NSF Energy Project:
Decision Models for Bulk Energy Transportation Networks
- Last Updated: 28 March 2015
- Project Site Maintained By:
Leigh Tesfatsion
- Professor of Economics
- Courtesy Professor of Mathematics and
- Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Iowa State University
- Ames, IA 50011-1070
- https://faculty.sites.iastate.edu/tesfatsi
tesfatsi AT iastate.edu
ISU Electric Energy Economics (E3) Group
Table of Contents:
Project Award: General Information
- Project Sponsor: National Science Foundation
- Title: "Decision Models for Bulk Energy Transportation Networks"
- Program: Human and Social Dynamics Competition (Decision
Making, Risk, and Uncertainty)
- Grant Number: 0527460
- Date of Award: Funding Start Date - September 2005
- Duration: 3-year award (with continuation)
- Project Mailing List (includes all active participants listed below):
NSFEnergy2005 AT iastate.edu
- Project PI/Co-PIs:
- Research Assistants:
- Natalia Frishman (NSF RA, M.A. Candidate, Sociology)
natalia AT iastate.edu
- Eduardo Ibanez (NSF RA, Ph.D. Candidate, ECpE, Start Date: 1/07)
eibanez AT iastate.edu
- Abhishek Somani (NSF RA, Ph.D. Candidate, Economics, Start Date: 8/20/07)
somaniabhishek AT yahoo.com
- Yan Wang (NSF RA, Ph.D. Candidate, Ind. Eng., MSIE May 2007)
yanwang AT iastate.edu
- Other Project Participants:
- Junjie Sun (Financial Economist, OCC, U.S. Treasury (NSF RA thru June 07)
- Esteban Gil (Ph.D. ECpE, Spring 2007, NSF Grad RA thru S07 )
- Ana Quelhas (Ph.D. ECpE, Fall 2006, NSF Grad RA thru F06)
- Hongyan Li (PhD. ECpE, Fall 2009, EPRC Grad RA thru F09)
- Seshendra Vasireddy (M.S. EE, Fall 2009, NSF Grad RA thru Jan 07)
- Sarah Gidlewski (IMSE, Undergrad RA, Fall 2007)
- Bobbi Wendorff (IMSE, Undergrad RA, Fall 2007 – Spring 2008)
- Chelsea Tomek (IMSE, Undergrad RA, Summer 2009)
- Ju Xiong (IMSE, Undergrad RA, Summer 2009)
NSF Reports
NSF Energy Project Final Report. Last Updated: 29 November 2009
NSF Energy Project: Summary Presentation (1.4M). Last Updated: 10 September 2007
Stephen G. Sapp, Katie L. Sorrell, and Natalia Frishman, "Public Opinions of Building Additional High-Voltage Electric Power Lines"
A Report to the National Science Foundation and the Electric Power Research Center, Sociology Department, Iowa State University, February 2010.
- Sarah M. Ryan and James D. McCalley, “Decision Models for Bulk Energy Transportation Networks”, Proceedings, NSF International Research and Education in Engineering, January 2009. Summary of work performed under the IREE Supplement awarded July, 2007.
- Jim McCalley, "Decision Models for Bulk Energy Transportation Networks"
presented at Arizona State University (October 6, 2006) and the ISU ECpE Department (October 18, 2006).
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "The AMES Market Project"
Summary overview of the AMES Wholesale Power Market Test Bed, a free open-source computational laboratory (in Java) for the experimental study of restructured wholesale power markets, including a presentation of recent findings. For detailed information about AMES (overview, downloads, manuals, and publications), visit the
AMES Homepage.
- James McCalley and Esteban Gil, "Data Collection Following Katrina: Interdependencies Across Time, Space, and Subsystems Characterizing Bulk Energy Transportation"
Final Report, November 26, 2006. For additional information, see the
Katrina Project Website. Original Posting: 16 December 2006
Research Publications and Working Papers
Publications (in Order of Posting):
- Hongyan Li and Leigh Tesfatsion, "ISO Net Surplus Collection and Allocation in Wholesale Power Markets Under LMP"
(Working Paper,pdf,819K),
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2010, to appear.
- Sarah M. Ryan, Anthony Downward, Andrew Philpott, and Golbon Zakeri, “Welfare Effects of Expansions in Equilibrium Models of an Electricity Market with Fuel Network,” IEEE Transactions
on Power Systems, 2010, to appear.
- M. Gil Esteban and James D. McCalley, "A US Energy System Model for Disruption Analysis: Validation Using Effects of 2005 Hurricanes", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, to appear.
- Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Testing Institutional Arrangements via Agent-Based Modeling: A U.S. Electricity Market Application", to appear in H. Dawid (Ed.), Computational Methods in Economic Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, 2010.
- Seshendra Vasireddy, "Decision Paths for US Energy Investment", Creative Component submitted to the graduate faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering, October 2009.
- Hongyan Li and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Development of Open Source Software for Power Market Research: The AMES Test
(pdf preprint,628K),
Journal of Energy Markets, Vol. 2, No. 2, Summer 2009, 111-128.
Leigh Tesfatsion, "Auction Basics for Wholesale Power Markets: Objectives and Pricing Rules"
IEEE Proceedings, Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, CA, July 26-30, 2009.
Hongyan Li and Leigh Tesfatsion,
"The AMES Wholesale Power Market Test Bed: A Computational Laboratory for Research, Teaching, and Training"
IEEE Proceedings, Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, CA, July 26-30, 2009.
- Sarah M. Ryan, “Market Outcomes in a Congested Electricity System with Fuel Supply Network,”, 350K), IEEE Proceedings, Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, CA, July 26-30, 2009.
- Yan Wang and Sarah M. Ryan, “Comparison of Efficient Methods for Solving a Large-Scale Multistage Stochastic Program,”, IIE Proceedings, Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, FL, May 30 – June 3, 2009.
Haifeng Liu, Leigh Tesfatsion, and A. A. Chowdhury, "Derivation of Locational Marginal Prices for Restructured Wholesale Power Markets", Journal of Energy Markets, Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 2009, 3-27.
- Note: An
abridged version
of this paper was presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, CA, July 26-30, 2009.
Qun Zhou, Leigh Tesfatsion, and Chen-Ching Liu, "Scenario Generation for Price Forecasting in Restructured Wholesale Power Markets"
IEEE Proceedings, Power Systems & Exposition Conference, Seattle, WA, March 15-18, 2009.
Hongyan Li and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Capacity Withholding in Restructured Wholesale Power Markets: An Agent-Based Test Bed Study"
IEEE Proceedings, Power Systems & Exposition Conference, Seattle, WA, March 15-18, 2009.
Abhishek Somani and Leigh Tesfatsion, "An Agent-Based Test Bed Study of Wholesale Power Market Performance Measures"
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2008, 56-72.
- Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Dynamic LMP Response Under Alternative Price-Cap and Price-Sensitive Demand Scenarios"
IEEE Proceedings, Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, July 20-24, 2008.
- Ana Quelhas, Esteban Gil, James D. McCalley, and Sarah M. Ryan, "A Multiperiod Generalized Network Flow Model of the U.S Integrated Energy System: Part I - Model Description"
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 22, Issue 2, May 2007, 829-836.
- Ana Quelhas and James D. McCalley, "A Multiperiod Generalized Network Flow Model of the U.S Integrated Energy System: Part II - Simulation Results"
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 22, Issue 2, May 2007, 837-844.
- Junjie Sun and Leigh Tesfatsion, "An Agent-Based Computational Laboratory for Wholesale Power Market Design"
IEEE Proceedings, Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 2007.
- Junjie Sun and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Dynamic Testing of Wholesale Power Market Designs: An Open-Source Agent-Based Framework", Computational Economics, Volume 30, Number 3, 2007, pp. 291-327.
This article is an abridged version of ISU Economics Working Paper No. 06025
revised July 2007.
- Junjie Sun and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Open-Source Software for Power Industry Research, Teaching, and Training: A DC-OPF Illustration"
IEEE Proceedings, Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 2007.
- Steven Widergren, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion, Market Design Test Environments
(pdf preprint,136K),
IEEE Proceedings, Power and Energy Society General
Meeting, Montreal, June 2006.
Working Papers (in order of posting):
- Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Separation and Volatility of Locational Marginal Prices in Restructured Wholesale Power Markets"
(download site),
ISU Economics Working Paper #09009, June 2009.
- Yan Wang and Sarah M. Ryan, "Effects of Uncertain Fuel Costs on Optimal Energy Flows in the U.S.", Working Paper, IMSE Department, Iowa State University, revised August 2009.
- Yan Wang, Effects of Fuel Cost Uncertainty on Optimal Energy Flows in the U.S., unpublished M.S. Thesis, Industrial Engineering, Iowa State University, May 2007.
- Junjie Sun and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Dynamic Testing of Wholesale Power Market Designs: An Open-Source Agent-Based Framework", ISU Economics Working Paper No. 06025
revised July 2007.
- Junjie Sun and Leigh Tesfatsion, DC Optimal Power Flow Formulation and Testing Using QuadProgJ
ISU Economics Working Paper No. 06014, Department of Economics, Iowa State University, revised July 2007.
Junjie Sun and Wenzhuo Shang, "Evaluating the Performance of Financial Transmission Rights Auctions: Evidence from the U.S. Midwest Energy Region", Dissertation Chapter, December 2006.
- Esteban Gil, System Disruption Case Studies
(pdf, 115K), November 2005.
Open-Source Software Releases
AMES Wholesale Power Market Test Bed (Java): A Free Open-Source Computational Laboratory for the Agent-Based Modeling of Electricity Systems
- The
AMES Wholesale Power Market Test Bed,
developed entirely in Java by Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun,and Leigh Tesfatsion,
is an extensible and modular agent-based computational laboratory for studying the
dynamic efficiency and reliability of wholesale power markets restructured in
accordance with guidelines issued by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
AMES models strategically-learning traders interacting over time in an ISO-managed
wholesale power market operating over a transmission grid subject to
congestion effects. Congestion on the grid is managed by means of locational
marginal prices derived from optimal power flow solutions.
- AMES is a free open-source tool suitable for research, teaching, and training
applications. It is designed for the intensive experimental study of small to medium-sized systems. A graphical
user interface permits the creation, modification, analysis and storage of scenarios,
parameter initialization and editing, specification of behavioral rules (e.g.
learning methods) for market participants, and output reports through table and chart displays.
AMES is an acronym for Agent-based Modeling of Electricity Systems.
DCOPFJ (Java): A Free Open-Source Solver for DC Optimal Power Flow Problems
- The
DCOPFJ Package,
developed entirely in Java by Junjie Sun and Leigh Tesfatsion (Iowa State University), is a free open-source
stand-alone solver for small to medium-sized DC optimal power flow problems having a strictly
convex quadratic programming (SCQP) formulation.
The DCOPFJ package incorporates an SCQP solver (QuadProgJ) wrapped in an outer SI-to-PU data processing shell. QuadProgJ implements the well-known dual active-set SCQP algorithm developed by Goldfarb and Idnani (1983). QuadProgJ has been shown to match or exceed the accuracy of the proprietary C-language QP solver BPMPD (highly recommended by MATPOWER) when tested on a public repository of small to medium-sized SCQP problems.
- The DCOPFJ package has been successfully run on DC-OPF test cases commonly used for training purposes.
Presentations (Ordered by Date of Presentation)
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "Auction Basics for Wholesale Power Markets: Objectives and Pricing Rules", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, CA, July 26-30, 2009.
- Hongyan Li and Leigh Tesfatsion, "The AMES Wholesale Power Market Test Bed: A Computational Laboratory for Research, Teaching, and Training", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, CA, July 26-30, 2009.
- Sarah M. Ryan, “Market Outcomes in a Congested Electricity System with Fuel Supply Network,”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Calgary, CA, July 26-30, 2009.
- Yan Wang and Sarah M. Ryan, “Comparison of Efficient Methods for Solving a Large-Scale Multistage Stochastic Program,” Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, FL, May 30 – June 3, 2009.
- Sarah M. Ryan, “Infrastructure Improvements and Total Welfare in an Electricity Market with Fuel Network,” Power Systems Modeling 2009, Gainesville, FL, March 18-20, 2009.
- Hongyan Li and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Capacity Withholding in Restructured Wholesale Power Markets: An Agent-Based Test Bed Study", IEEE Power Systems Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA, March 15-18, 2009.
- Sarah M. Ryan, “Unintended Effects of Adding Capacity in a Fuel Supply and Electricity Transmission Network,” IMSE Department Seminar, Ames, IA, February 2009.
- James D. McCalley and Sarah M. Ryan, “Decision Models for Bulk Energy Transportation Networks IREE Supplement,” (ppt, Ryan_IREE_Poster, 536K) Engineering Education Awardees Conference, Reston, VA, February 1-3, 2009.
- Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Dynamic LMP Response Under Alternative Price-Cap and Price-Sensitive Demand Scenarios", INFORMS, Washington DC, October 12-15, 2008.
- Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Dynamic LMP Response Under Alternative Price-Cap and Price-Sensitive Demand Scenarios", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA, July 21-24, 2008.
- Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Dynamic Price Response Under Alternative Price-Cap and Price-Sensitive Demand Scenarios: Experimental Evidence from a Simulated Wholesale Electric Power Market", North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society, Carnegie-Mellon University, June 19-22, 2008.
- Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Dynamic LMP Response Under Alternative Price-Cap and Price-Sensitive Demand Scenarios", International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC), Washington, D.C., May 16-18, 2008.
- Sarah M. Ryan, Effects of Cost Forecast Bias in a Stochastic Programming Model of Bulk Energy Flows in the U.S.,” seminar for Department of Engineering Science and Special Colloquia on the Optimization and Planning of Electricity Series, University of Auckland, NZ, April 2008.
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "Agent-Based Test Beds for Critical Infrastructure Research, Teaching, and Training", Department of Energy - National Renewable Energy Laboratory (DOE-NREL), Washington, D.C., February 22, 2008.
- Lynne Kiesling and Leigh Tesfatsion, "A Test Bed for the Integrated Experimental Study of Retail and Wholesale Power Market Designs: Seaming GridLab-D with AMES", Tele-Seminar and Webcast, sponsored by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), February 15, 2008.
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "Agent-Based Test Beds for Power Industry Research, Teaching, and Training", Tele-Seminar and Webcast, sponsored by the Power Systems Energy Research Center (PSERC), Cornell University, February 5, 2008.
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "Agent-Based Test Beds for Critical Infrastructure Research, Teaching, and Training", Plenary Address, AGENT 2007, Northwestern University, November 17, 2007.
- Nanpeng Yu, "Modeling of Suppliers' Learning Behaviors in an Electricity Market Environment", 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems (ISAP 2007), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 5, 2007.
- Yan Wang and Sarah M. Ryan, “Efficient Methods for solving a Large-Scale Multistage Stochastic Program,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, November 4-7, 2007.
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "Open-Source Software for Power Industry Research, Teaching, and Training: A DC-OPF Illustration", IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 25-28, 2007.
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "An Agent-Based Computational Laboratory for Wholesale Power Market Design", IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 25-28, 2007.
- Hongyan Li, "Graphic User Interface (GUI) for the AMES Software Package: Test-Bed for the Study of Restructured Power Markets", Poster Session, IEEE Power Engineering Systems General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, June 25-28, 2007.
- Junjie Sun, "Dynamic Testing of Wholesale Power Market Designs: An Agent-Based Computational Approach", North American Meetings of the Econometric Society, Duke University, Durham, NC, June 21-24, 2007.
- Junjie Sun, "Dynamic Testing of Wholesale Power Market Designs: An Agent-Based Computational Approach", 13th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Society for Computational Economics, Montreal, Canada, June 14-16, 2007.
- Hongyan Li, "MISO Market Performance: An Open-Source Computational Test-Bed", Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Electric Power Research Center, Power Affiliate Research Program, Schemann Building, Iowa State University, May 9, 2007.
- Junjie Sun, "Dynamic Testing of Wholesale Power Market Designs: An Agent-Based Computational Approach", 5th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC), Savannah, Georgia, April 14-15, 2007.
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "Agent-Based Computational Economics: A Constructive Approach to Economic Theory" Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, January 5-7, 2007.
- Junjie Sun, "Agent-Based Test Beds for Market Design", Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, January 5-7, 2007.
- Junjie Sun, "Dynamic Testing of Wholesale Power Market Designs: An Agent-Based Computational Approach", INFORMS annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 5-8, 2006.
- Yan Wang and Sarah Ryan, "Effects of Market-Based Uncertainty on Optimal Flows of Fuels and Power in the U.S.,
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 5-8, 2006.
- Seshendra Vasireddy and Jim McCalley, "Decision Models for Bulk Energy Transportation Networks: Interfacing Structural and Behavioral Models", presented to the NSF Energy Group, November 1, 2006.
- Jim McCalley, "Decision Models for Bulk Energy Transportation Networks",
presented at Arizona State University (October 6, 2006) and the ISU ECpE Department (October 18, 2006).
- Junjie Sun, "Dynamic Testing of Wholesale Power Market Designs: An Open-Source Agent-Based Framework", presented (poster session) at the Institute of Computational Economics (ICE) Summer School, University of Chicago and Argonne National Lab, July 17-22, 2006.
- Note: Selected by the ICE'06 Directors as one of three equally-ranked "winners" among all poster presentations.
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "Dynamic Testing of Wholesale Power Market Designs: An Open-Source Agent-Based Framework"
presented at the VII Trento Summer School: Intensive Course on Agent-Based Computational Economics, Sardagna-Trento, Italy, July 17, 2006.
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "Agent-Based Computational Economics: A Constructive Approach to Economic Theory"
Plenary Address, Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF'2006), sponsored by the Society for Computational Economics, Limassol, Cyprus, June 23, 2006.
- Abstract: This talk provides a brief overview the Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE) methodology. Concepts are concretely illustrated using recent work on the development of an ACE framework for exploring the performance of market designs for restructured wholesale power markets.
- Steven Widergren, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Market Design Test Environments", presented (by Steven Widergren) at the IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 2006.
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "Testing the Efficiency and Reliability Impacts of MISO's Midwest Market Initiative: An Agent-Based
Computational Approach", presented at the Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the Electric Power Research Center
(Power Affiliate Research Program), Scheman, Iowa State University, May 10, 2006.
- Ana Margarida Quelhas, Preliminary Results from the Structural Model
presented to a meeting of the NSF Energy Project Group, Friday, 9-10:30am, May 5, 2006, in Coover 2202.
- Leigh Tesfatsion, NSF Project & EPRC MISO Project: Brief Overview of Work to Date,
Presented to a joint meeting of members from the Iowa Utilities Board and the ISU NSF/EPRC MISO projects,
Heady 568B, 12-2:00pm, ISU, April 21, 2006.
- Leigh Tesfatsion, Dynamic Testing of Wholesale Power Market Designs: An Agent-Based Computational Approach",
International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC), Northeastern University, Boston, MA, April 8, 2006.
Leigh Tesfatsion, Testing the Reliability of Market Designs: An Iterative Participatory Modeling Approach,
NSF-DDDAS (Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems) Workshop, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., January 29, 2006, and No Free Lunch Economics Faculty Seminar, December 2, 2005.
- Esteban Gil, "Integrated Stochastic Network Model for a Reliability Assessment of the National Electric Energy System (NEES)"
presented to the NSF Energy Group, August 30, 2005.
- Note: Background Site for Esteban's Talk, a discussion of Copulas
by M. Armstrong and A. Galli, August 2002.
Sarah Ryan, Network Flow Optimization Under Uncertainty
(pdf,36K), presented to the NSF Energy Group, August 30, 2005.
- Jim McCalley, "Decision Models for Bulk Energy Transportation Networks"
presented to the NSF Energy Group, August 23, 2005.
- Ana Quelhas, "A Framework for Assessing the Interdependencies Between the Fuel Networks and the Electric Power System"
presented to the NSF Energy Group, August 23, 2005
- Leigh Tesfatsion, "Market Design as Social Policy: An Agent-Based Computational Approach"
presented to the NSF Energy Group, August 23, 2005.
Project-Related Background Readings
- Final Report to Congress on Competition in the Wholesale and Retail Markets for Electric Energy
U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Accessed: April 27, 2007. See, also, the
on an earlier draft of this report released on 6/26/06 by Lynne Kiesling and Michael Giberson (Mercatus Center, George Mason University).
- Abstract: This report, required by Secton 1815 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, provides an
overview and summarizes the progress in the U.S. toward wholesale and retail competition over the past 25 years, the current state of wholesale and retail competition in the U.S., and the economic and political issues surrounding the transition to wholesale and retail competition.
- Annual Energy Review 2004
Energy Information Administration, Report No. DOE/EIA-0384(2005), posted August 15, 2005.
- Abstract The Annual Energy Review is the EIA's primary report of historical annual energy statistics. For many series, data begins with the year 1949. Included are data on total energy production, consumption, and trade, as well as overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, international energy, financial and environmental indicators, and data unit conversion tables.
- Shirley Neff (Columbia University), "Review of the Energy Policy Act of 2005"
August 2, 2005.
- "Reliable, Affordable, and Environmentally Sound Energy for America's Future
Report to the President, National Energy Policy Development Group, May, 2001.
- Abstract:Non-technical policy-oriented document discussing energy challenges facing the United States. Contain some useful data in table and graphical form summarizing the "big picture" regarding the sources and amounts of energy used in the U.S. and their bulk transport networks.
- Bjorn H. Bakken (SINTEF Energy Research, Norway), "New Tools for Optimization of Integrated Energy Service Systems"
Presented at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Seminar Series, April 26, 2005.
- Bjorn H. Bakken et al., "Simulation and Optimization of Systems with Multiple Energy Carriers"
1999 Conference of the Scandinavian Simulation Society (SIMS'99), Linkoping, Sweden, October 18-19, 1999.
- Abstract: This paper reviews three related models and methodologies for the study of integrated energy systems. The first model is a stochastic energy production and market (EMPS) model for optimal scheduling and simulation of system performance in hydro-thermal power systems. The second model is an energy and power flow (EPF) model that integrates the EMPS model and DC load flow analysis on a detailed electricity grid. Finally, a generalized model is proposed for optimizing energy transport systems with multiple energy carriers as well as multiple end user markets. The generalized model incorporates: [1] alternative energy carriers, such as electrical energy, gas, liquid natural gas (LNG), oil and coal; [2] conversion between alternative energy carriers, e.g., gas or hydro power plants, combined heat and power (CHP), heat pumps, and LNF factories; and [3] conversion between alternative energy storage capabilities, such as hydro storage, gas cavern, and LNG storage.
- Nicole van Beeck, "Classification of Energy Models"
Tilburg University and Eindhoven University of Technology, May 1999. This paper provides
a classification of existing energy models. It is maybe not the
most up to date material, but it is still a good overview.
- Martin Geidl and Göran Andersson, "Optimal Power Dispatch and Conversion in Systems with Multiple Energy Carriers"
Working Paper, Power Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland, 2005.
- Abstract:This paper introduces a general optimization approach for power dispatch and conversion in power systems that include multiple energy carriers such as electricity, natural gas, and district heating. Both a system model and an optimization approach are developed that are suitable for the integration of an arbitrary number of energy carriers.
- Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Ben Goodrich, "Toward One Continent of Energy"
ElectricPerspectives, Edison Electric Institute, May/June 2003.
- Abstract: This essay discusses economic and political issues affecting the potential for the integration of the energy sectors of Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
- Steven M. Rinaldi (Sandia National Lab), "Modeling and
Simulating Critical Infrastructures and Their Interdependencies"
Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004.
- August Rupérez Micola, Albert Banal Estañnol, and Derek W. Bunn, "Incentives an Coordination in Vertically Related Energy Markets"
Working Paper SP II 2006-02, Social Science Research Center (WZB), Berlin, January 2006.
Project-Related Websites
Project-Related Computational Frameworks
- The Department of Energy supports a
National Energy Modeling System (NEMS)
that includes an
Electricity Market Module (EMM) (pdf,1.4M).
The four major components of the NEMS-EMM are: Electricity load and demand submodule; Electricity capacity planning submodule; Electricity fuel dispatch submodule; and Electricity finance and pricing submodule.
- The Energy Asset Deployment Support System (EADSS), a proprietary energy model developed by ICF Consulting, represents multiple asset types (e.g., gas and power together) and provides detailed market and operational rules in a stochastic modeling framework. It shows when and where new capacity is needed and incoprates effects of uncertainty and volatility on asset operation, revenues, and value or location-specific assignments.
- GE MAPS, a licensed energy model of the General Electric Company, is a detailed model that chronologically calculates hour-by-hour production costs while recognizing the constraints on the dispatch of generation imposed by the transmission system. GE MAPS uses a detailed electrical model of the entire transmission network, along with generation shift factors determined from a solved AC load flow, to calculate real power flows.
EMCAS (Electricity Model as a Complex Adaptive System),
Argonne National Lab
- The Integrated Planning Model (IPM), a proprietary energy model developed by ICF Consulting, is a dynamic linear programming model with a detailed
representation of all electric generating facilities. The model is used to determine the least cost
means of meeting electric generation of energy and of capacity requirements while complying with specified air pollutant regulations, fuel limitations, and operating constraints. It is designed
for the simultaneous evaluation of transmission and power market decisions while also considering
both long-term and short-term horizons.
- The North American Natural Gas Analysis System (NANGAS), a proprietary energy model developed by ICF Consulting, is a dynamic linear program model of economic decision-making in the natural gas industry designed to evaluate the impact of policy, strategy, and technology on natural gas supply, demand, and prices for the entire North American Market.
- The PowerWorld Simulator, a licensed energy model developed by PowerWorld Inc., is an interactive package for the analysis of power systems. In addition to optimal AC and DC power flows, it provides detailed modeling of LTC (load tap changer) and phase-shifting transformers, switched shunts, generator reactive capability curves, generator cost curves, load schedules, transaction schedules, dc lines, multi-section lines, and remote bus voltage control. There is also an attempt to include economic data into the power flow solution to evaluate the economic importance of a system change.
- The Power Resources Integrated Solutions Model (PRISM), a licensed energy model developed by Hill & Associates Inc. (Annapolis, MD), is an integrated energy model with electricity market, coal market, and environmental regulation scenario capabilities. PRISM simultaneously analyzes power plant production, dynamic coal choices, cleanup equipment options, new plant construction alternatives, emissions limits, mine production and reserve depletion, and dispatch between coal and gas units. It foreasts prices for all coal types, emissions allowances, and electricity by time of day and season, and it also values constraints in generating and transmission
can be found information about MARKAL - a family of models developed by the International
Energy Agency for energy/environmental planning.
is a link to models developed by the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, in
Austria, under the Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies Program. I
believe that MESSAGE and ISPA are the most relevant models for our purposes.
Media Cites
- Mark Buchanan, "Meltdown Modeling: Could Agent-Based Computer Models Prevent Another Financial Crisis?"
Nature, Vol. 460, August 6, 2009, pp. 680-682.
- Note: This article cites ongoing ISU work on the AMES Wholesale Power Market Test Bed by research team Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion.
- Steven Jones,
"Power Switch: Software Looks to be Better Test of Wholesale Power Markets",
Around LAS, Iowa State University, October 15, 2007.
- Note: Media report on the development of the AMES Wholesale Power Market Test Bed by research team Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion.