Integrated Retail and Wholesale (IRW) Power System Operations
with Smart Grid Functionality: Project Homepage

Last Updated: 8 January 2024

Important Note: The Integrated Retail and wholesale (IRW) Power System Project has been superceded by the Integrated Transmission and Distribution (ITD) Project.

Site maintained by:
Leigh Tesfatsion
Professor Emerita of Economics
Courtesy Research Professor of
   Electrical & Computer Engineering
Economics Department/260 Heady
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-1054
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Integrated Retail/Wholesale Power Markets

Table of Contents:

General IRW Project Information

IRW Project Description:

The primary goal of this project is the development and implementation of the IRW Test Bed, an agent-based test bed for the study of integrated retail and wholesale (IRW) electric power markets operating over transmission and distribution grids with smart-grid functionality.

The IRW Test Bed includes: (i) the AMES Wholesale Power Market Test Bed, developed by a group of researchers at Iowa State University; and (ii) distribution feeders operating at user-specified AMES buses, developed by the IRW research group and by GridLAB-D researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).

The IRW Test Bed is currently being used to conduct systematic computational experiments focusing on the IRW power system effects and policy implications of four key smart-grid developments: (1) increased penetration of price-responsive demand; (2) increased penetration of variable (non-dispatchable) generation; (3) reformulation of wholesale power market operations for improved handling of uncertainties; (4) new contract designs for flexible service provision.

IRW Project Participants:

IRW Group Picture

Dionysios Aliprantis (Associate Professor of ECpE, Purdue U)

Chengrui Cai (ISU PhD 2014; Power Engineer, Noble Americas Gas & Power, Stamford, CT)

Dave Chassin (Staff Scientist, Stanford U)

Deung-Yong Heo (ISU PhD 2015; Research Economist, KILF, Seoul, KR)

Pedram Jahangiri (ISU PhD 2014; Power Engineer, National Grid, NY)

Dheepak Krishnamurthy (ISU ECpE M.S. Program; Power Engineer, NREL, Golden, CO)

Hongyan Li (ISU ECpE PhD 2009; Consulting Engineer, ABB Inc., Raleigh, NC)

Wanning Li (ISU PhD ECpE Program; Power Engineer, Southern California Edison, CA)

Sean Mooney (ISU CS PhD 2015, Software Engineer, Source Allies Inc., Urbandale, IA)

Leigh Tesfatsion (Professor Emerita of Econ, Courtesy Research Professor of ECpE, ISU, 375 Heady)

Auswin George Thomas (ISU ECpE PhD Program; Siemens Industry, Mpls)

Zhaoyu Wang (Harpole Pentair Endowed Assistant Professor, ISU ECpE)

Di Wu (ISU ECpE PhD 2012; Power Engineer, PNNL, Richland, WA)

Huan Zhao (ISU Econ PhD 2011; Power Market Analyst, NRG, NJ)

Funding Support

PNNL Project (Development of an Integrated T&D Test System)
Sponsor: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Title: "Development of an Integrated Transmission and Distribution Test System to Evaluate Transactive Energy Systems"
PI: Leigh Tesfatsion
Co-PI: Zhaoyu Wang
Start Date of Award: April 1, 2017
Duration of Award: Two Years

DOE Project (Flexible Service Provision within Integrated Transmission and Distribution Systems)
Sponsor: National Energy Technology Laboratory, Department of Energy (DOE)
Title: "Flexible Service Contracting for Risk Management within Integrated Transmission and Distribution Systems"
PI: Zhaoyu Wang
Co-PI: Leigh Tesfatsion
Start Date of Award: January 1, 2017
Duration of Award: Three Years

EPRC Project (Effects of Demand Response on Integrated Power System Operations):
Sponsor: Electric Power Reseach Center (EPRC)
Title: "Integrated Distribution and Transmission Effects of Demand-Response Initiatives"
PI: Leigh Tesfatsion
Start Date of Award: 8/1/2015
Duration of Award: One Year

ARPA-E/DOE Project (Stochastic SCUC/SCED Formulation):
Sponsor: ARPA-E/Department of Energy
Title: "Improved Power System Operations Using Advanced Stochastic Optimization"
PI: Sarah Ryan
Co-PIs: Leigh Tesfatsion & Dionysios Aliprantis
Date of Award: February 24, 2012
Duration of Award: Thirty Months
ARPAe Project Website

Sandia Project (Ancillary Services):
Sponsor: Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
Title: "Market Design for Energy, Ancillary and Reliability Services in Wholesale Electric Power Markets"
PI: Leigh Tesfatsion
Date of Award: Funding Start Date - July 2011
Duration of Award: Annual Contract

EPRC Project (Integrated Retail/Wholesale Power Systems):
Sponsor: Electric Power Research Center (EPRC)
Title: "Integrated Retail and Wholesale Power System Operation with Smart-Grid Functionality"
PIs: Dionysios Aliprantis and Leigh Tesfatsion
Date of Award: Funding Start Date - August 2010
Duration of Award: Three years

PNNL Project (Integrated Retail/Wholesale Power Markets):
Sponsor: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory/Battelle
Title: "A Test Bed for the Integrated Experimental Study of Retail and Wholesale Power Market Designs"
PI: Leigh Tesfatsion
Date of Award: Funding Start Date - June 2009
Duration of Award: Four years

EPRC Project (Risk Management in Electric Power Systems):
Sponsor: Electric Power Research Center (EPRC)
Title: "Financial and Operational Risk Management in Restructured Wholesale Power Markets"
PI: Leigh Tesfatsion
Date of Award: Funding Start Date - August 2009
Duration of Award: Three years

IRW Project-Related Publications, Working Papers, and Reports


Auswin George Thomas and Leigh Tesfatsion (2018), "Braided Cobwebs: Cautionary Tales for Dynamic Pricing in Retail Electric Power Markets (Preprint,pdf,546KB), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, to appear.

Shanshan Ma, Zhaoyu Wang, and Leigh Tesfatsion (2018), "Swing Contracts with Dynamic Reserves for Flexible Service Management" (Preprint,1.4MB,pdf), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, to appear.

Leigh Tesfatsion (2018), "Electric Power Markets in Transition: Agent-Based Modeling Tools for Transactive Energy Support", In Hommes, C., LeBaron, B., Eds. Handbook of Computational Economics 4: Heterogeneous Agent Models. Elsevier:Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Wanning Li and Leigh Tesfatsion (2018), "A Swing-Contract Market Design for Flexible Service Provision in Electric Power Systems" [(WP,pdf,463KB), (Talk Slides,pdf,694KB)], In: Sean Meyn, Tariq Samad, Sonja Glavaski, Ian Hiskens, and Jakob Stoustrup (Eds.), Energy Markets and Responsive Grids: Modelling, Control, and Optimization, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications Series, Springer.

Wanning Li and Leigh Tesfatsion (2016), "Market Provision of Flexible Energy/Reserve Contracts: Optimization Formulation Proceedings of the IEEE PES GM 2016, July 17-21, Boston, MA.

Dheepak Krishnamurthy, Wanning Li, and Leigh Tesfatsion (2016), "An 8-Zone Test System based on ISO New England Data: Development and Application," (pdf, 642KB), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 31, Issue 1, 234-246.

Wanning Li, Dheepak Krishnamurthy, and Leigh Tesfatsion (2015), "Systematic Testing and Comparison of Deterministic and Stochastic Unit Commitment for an 8-Zone Test Case Based on ISO New England Data," (poster,pdf,1.2KB), Proceedings of the Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Conference, 2015 IEEE Power and Energy Society, Washington, D.C., Feb. 18-20.

Deung-Yong Heo and Leigh Tesfatsion (2015), "Facilitating Appropriate Compensation of Electric Energy and Reserve through Standardized Contracts with Swing", (Preprint,pdf,902KB), Journal of Energy Markets, Vol. 8, No. 4, December, 93-121.

Pedram Jahangriri and Dionysios C. Aliprantis (2013), "Distributed Volt/VAr Control by PV Inverters," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 3429-3439.

Chengrui Cai and Dionysios C. Aliprantis (2013), "Cumulus Cloud Shadow Model for Analysis of Power Systems with Photovoltaics," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 4496-4506.

Qun Zhou, Leigh Tesfatsion, Chen-Ching Liu, Ron F. Chu, and Wei Sun (2013), "A Nash Approach to Planning Merchant Transmission Renewable Resource Integration" (IEEEXplore), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 28, No. 3, August, 2086-2100.

Auswin G. Thomas, Pedram Jahangiri, Di Wu, Chengrui Cai, Huan Zhao, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, and Leigh Tesfatsion (2012), "Intelligent Residential Air-Conditioning System with Smart-Grid Functionality," (pdf,339KB), IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (Special Issue on Intelligent Buildings and Home Energy Management in a Smart Grid Environment), Vol. 3, No. 4, December, 2240-2251.

Di Wu, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, and Lei Ying (2012), "Load Scheduling and Dispatch for Aggregators of Plug-in Electric Vehicles" (pdf,470KB), IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Special Issue on Transportation Electrification and Vehicle-to-Grid Applications, Vol. 3, No. 1, February, 368-376.

Hongyan Li and Leigh Tesfatsion (2012), "Co-Learning Patterns as Emergent Market Phenomena: An Electricity Market Illustration" (pdf, 1.5MB), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 82, Issue 2-3, 395-419.

Nanpeng Yu, Leigh Tesfatsion, and Chen-Ching Liu (2012), "Financial Bilateral Contract Negotiation in Wholesale Power Markets using Nash Bargaining Theory" (pdf, 772KB), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 27, No. 1, February, 251-267.

Pedram Jahangiri, Di Wu, Wanning Li, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, and Leigh Tesfatsion (2012), "Development of an Agent-Based Distribution Test Feeder with Smart-Grid Functionality" (pdf,386KB), Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-26 (electronic).

Auswin George Thomas, Chengrui Cai, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, and Leigh Tesfatsion (2012), "Effects of Price-Responsive Residential Demand on Retail and Wholesale Power Market Operations" (pdf,218KB), Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-26 (electronic).

Qun Zhou, Leigh Tesfatsion, and Chen-Ching Liu (2011), "Short-Term Congestion Forecasting in Wholesale Power Markets" (pdf, 295KB), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2185-2196.

Di Wu, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, and Konstantina Gkritza (2011), "Electric Energy and Power Consumption by Light-Duty Plug-in Electric Vehicles" (pdf,560KB), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 26, No. 2, 738-746. Abstract in IEEEXplore.

Hongyan Li and Leigh Tesfatsion (2011), "ISO Net Surplus Collection and Allocation in Wholesale Power Markets Under Locational Marginal Pricing" (pdf, 816KB), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 26, No. 2, 627-641.

Di Wu, Chengrui Cai, and Dionysios C. Aliprantis (2011), "Potential Impacts of Aggregator-Controlled Plug-in Electric Vehicles on Distribution Systems," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop Comp. Adv. Multi-Sensor Adapt. Proc. (CAMSAP), San Juan, Puerto Rico, Dec. 15.

Di Wu, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, and Lei Ying (2011), "On the Choice between Uncontrolled and Controlled Charging by Owners of PHEVs" (pdf,118KB), IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 26, No. 4, October, 2282-2284. Abstract in IEEEXplore..

Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion (2011), "Testing Institutional Arrangements via Agent-Based Modeling: A U.S. Electricity Market Application" (pdf, 2.2MB), pp. 135-158 in H. Dawid and W. Semmler (Eds.), Computational Methods in Economic Dynamics, Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance 13, Springer.

Chengrui Cai, Pedram Jahangiri, Auswin George Thomas, Huan Zhao, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, and Leigh Tesfatsion (2011), "Agent-Based Simulation of Distribution Systems with High Penetration of Photovoltaic Generation" (pdf, 30KB), Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Detroit, MI, July (electronic).

Huan Zhao, Auswin George Thomas, Pedram Jahangiri, Chengrui Cai, Leigh Tesfatsion, and Dionysios C. Aliprantis (2011), "Two-Settlement Electric Power Markets with Dynamic-Price Customers" (pdf, 64KB), Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Detroit, MI, July (electronic).

Dionysios Aliprantis, Scott Penick, Leigh Tesfatsion, and Huan Zhao (2010), "Integrated Retail and Wholesale Power System Operation with Smart-Grid Functionality" (pdf, 518KB), Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July (electronic).

Dionysios Aliprantis, Leigh Tesfatsion, and Huan Zhao (2010), "An Agent-Based Test Bed for the Integrated Study of Retail and Wholesale Power System Operations" (pdf, 397KB), AAMAS Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Toronto, Canada, May.

Reports and Working Papers:

Wanning Li and Leigh Tesfatsion (2017), "An 8-Zone ISO-NE Test System with Physically-Based Wind Power" (pdf,870KB), Economics Working Paper No. 17017, Department of Economics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

Deung-Yong Heo and Leigh Tesfatsion (2015), "Standardized Contracts with Swing for the Market-Supported Procurement of Electric Energy and Reserve: Illustrative Examples" [ (WP pdf,2.2MB), (FERC Talk Slides pdf,1.2MB)], Working Paper No. 13018, Department of Economics, Iowa State University, Original Version: November 2013; Revised June 2015.

Note: A shortened revised version of this working paper has been published in the Journal of Energy Markets; see above.

Leigh S. Tesfatsion, César A. Silva-Monroy, Verne W. Loose, James F. Ellison, Ryan T. Elliott, Raymond H. Byrne, and Ross T. Guttromson (2013), "New Wholesale Power Market Design Using Linked Forward Markets: A Study for the DOE Energy Storage Systems Program" (pdf,1.4MB), Sandia Report, SAND2013-2789, Unlimited Release, April.

Leigh Tesfatsion and Dionysios Aliprantis (2013), "Reformulation of U.S. Day-Ahead Wholesale Power Markets for Improved Intertemporal Operations" (pdf,440KB), Working Paper No. 12012, Department of Economics, Iowa State University, Latest Revision: April.

IRW Project-Related Presentations to External Groups (Ordered by Scheduled Date of Presentation)

Auswin Thomas and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Using Test Systems to Explore Integrated Transmission and Distribution System Operations with SmartGrid Functionality: A Demand- Response Illustration", IEEE PES General Meeting, Boston, MA, July 17-21, 2016.

Wanning Li and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Market Provision of Flexible Energy/Reserve Contracts: Optimization Formulation", Proceedings, IEEE PES General Meeting, Boston, MA, July 17-25, 2016.

Wanning Li and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Market Provision of Flexible Energy/Reserve Contracts", FERC Technical Conference, Washington, D.C., June 27-29, 2016.

Leigh Tesfatsion, "Facilitating Flexible Service Provision in Electric Power Markets via Swing Contracting", Control at Large Scales: Energy Markets and Responsive Grids, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Mpls, May 9-13, 2016.

Steve Widergren, Koen Kok, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Transactive Energy Systems", Webinar, IEEE SmartGrid, 10 March 2016.

Koen Kok, Steve Widergren, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Intelligent Systems Support for Transactive Energy Systems: The Fundamentals", Half-Day Tutorial, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, July 26-30, 2015.

Leigh Tesfatsion and Deung-Yong Heo, "Facilitating Appropriate Compensation of Electric Energy and Reserve Through Standardized Contracts with Swing" (pdf,2.4MB), Panel Session: Effects of Contract Design on Electricity Market Performance with Increased Penetration of Distributed Energy Resources and Variable Generation, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, July 26-30, 2015.

Auswin G. Thomas and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Integrated Transmission and Distribution Effects of Demand-Side Participation," (pdf,984KB), Panel Session: Wholesale and Retail Market Interaction Requirements for Effective Demand-Side Participation, IEEE Power and Energy Society Meeting, Denver, CO, July 26-30, 2015.

Auswin G. Thomas and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Agent-Based Test Beds for the Integrated Study of Transmission-Distribution Systems," Transactive Energy Conference, World Trade Center, Portland, Oregon, Dec 10-11, 2014.

Auswin G. Thomas and Leigh Tesfatsion, "An Agent-Based Test Bed for Integrated Retail and Wholesale Power System Operations," ISU-TNO Webinar, October 17, 2014.

Leigh Tesfatsion and Deung-Yong Heo, "A Framework for Flexible Contracts in Wholesale Power Markets," GridWise Architecture Council Meeting and Workshop, California Independent System Operator, Folsom, CA, September 10-11, 2014.

Leigh Tesfatsion and Auswin G. Thomas, "Adventures in Agent-Based HPC Test Bed Development for Electric Power Markets," Invited Presentation, Panel Session: Benefits and Challenges of Employing Multi-Agent Systems, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Washington, D.C., July 27-31, 2014.

Leigh Tesfatsion and Deung-Yong Heo, "Facilitating Appropriate Compensation of Electric Energy and Reserve through Standardized Contracts with Swing", 2014 FERC Technical Conference on Increasing Real-Time and Day-Ahead Market Efficiency through Improved Software, Washington, D.C., June 23-25, 2014.

Leigh Tesfatsion, "Situated Mathematics: Agent-Based Test Beds for Mathematics in Practice" [ (Slides pdf,1.2MB), (Audio/Video Presentation)], INET Workshop on Mathematics for New Economic Thinking, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, CA, 2 Nov 2013.

Auswin G. Thomas and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Retail and Wholesale Power Market Operations under Increased Penetration of Price-Responsive Demand," Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC) Webinar, October 1, 2013.

Auswin G. Thomas, Dheepak Krishnamurthy, Leigh Tesfatsion, and Sean Mooney, "Multi-Agent System Capabilities of the AMES Wholesale Power Market Test Bed," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 21-25, 2013.

Auswin G. Thomas, Leigh Tesfatsion, and Dionysios C. Aliprantis, "Integrated Retail and Wholesale Power Market Operations," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 21-25, 2013.

Auswin G. Thomas, Leigh Tesfatsion, and Dionysios C. Aliprantis, "Impacts of Residential A/C Demand Response on Wholesale Power Markets," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 21-25, 2013.

Dheepak Krishnamurthy, Wanning Li, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "A Small-Scale Test System for Wholesale Electric Power Market Operations Based on ISO-NE Data," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 21-25, 2013.

Auswin G. Thomas, Pedram Jahangiri, Di Wu, Chengrui Cai, Huan Zhao, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Intelligent Residential Air-Conditioning System with Smart-Grid Functionality," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 21-25, 2013.

Pedram Jahangiri, Di Wu, Wanning Li, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Development of an Agent-Based Distribution Test Feeder with Smart-Grid Functionality," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-26, 2012.

Auswin George Thomas, Chengrui Cai, Dionysios C. Aliprantis, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Effects of Price-Responsive Residential Demand on Retail and Wholesale Power Market Operations," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 22-26, 2012.

Abhishek Somani, Huan Zhao, Leigh Tesfatsion, and Nivad Navid, "Wind Power Trading by Firms with Mixed Generation Portfolios," invited talk for the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, November 2011.

Chengrui Cai, Pedram Jahangiri, Auswin Thomas, Huan Zhao, Dionysios Aliprantis, Leigh Tesfatsion, "Agent-Based Simulation of Distribution Systems with High Penetration of Photovoltaic Generation", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Detroit, MI, July 24-30, 2011.

Huan Zhao, Auswin Thomas, Pedram Jahangiri, Chengrui Cai, Leigh Tesfatsion, Dionysios Aliprantis, "Two-Settlement Electric Power Markets with Dynamic-Price Customers," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Detroit, MI, July 24-30, 2011

Chengrui Cai and Leigh Tesfatsion, IRW Project Progress Report, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, July 18, 2011.

Abhishek Somani, Huan Zhao, Leigh Tesfatsion, and Nivad Navid, "Wind Power Trading by Firms with Mixed Generation Portfolios," invited talk for the 17th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF'11), San Francisco, June 29-July 1, 2011.

Leigh Tesfatsion, "Integrated Retail and Wholesale Power System Operations with Smart-Grid Functionality," NSF Workshop: Engineering and Social Response to the Energy-Climate Nexus, Arlington, VA, June 23-24, 2011.

Leigh Tesfatsion, "ISO Net Surplus Collection and Allocation in Restructured North American Wholesale Power Markets," ASSA/American Economic Association Meetings, January 7-9, Denver, CO, 2011.

Huan Zhao "Strategic Buying Behavior of Retail Suppliers in Wholesale Power Markets: Experimental Findings Using an Agent-Based Test Bed," Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) Meeting, October 2010.

Dionysios Aliprantis and Leigh Tesfatsion, "Project Overview: Integrated Retail/Wholesale Power System Operation with Smart-Grid Functionality," MidAmerican Energy, Des Moines, IA, Tuesday, August 10, 2010.

Huan Zhao, "Integrated Retail and Wholesale Power System Operation with Smart-Grid Functionality," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 25-29, 2010.

Leigh Tesfatsion, "Agent-Based Modeling of Electric Power Markets," DARPA/ISAT Workshop on Societal Resilience, MIT RLE Conference Center, Cambridge, MA, July 12-13, 2010

Leigh Tesfatsion, "An Agent-Based Test Bed for the Integrated Study of Retail and Wholesale Power System Operations," Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES) Workshop, Ninth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Toronto, Canada, May 2010.


Eight Zone ISO-NE Test System (Java/Python, open source, developed using AMES V4.0)

A team of researchers at ISU has developed an open source 8-Zone ISO-NE Test System based on structural attributes and data from the ISO New England (ISO-NE). A description of this test system, together with an illustrative application, is given in the following article:

Dheepak Krishnamurthy, Wanning Li, and Leigh Tesfatsion, "An 8-Zone Test System based on ISO New England Data: Development and Application" (pdf,642KB), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 31, Issue 1, January 2016, 234-246.
Abstract: This study develops an open-source 8-zone test system for teaching, training, and research purposes that is based on ISO New England structural attributes and data. The test system models an ISO-managed wholesale power market populated by a mix of generating companies and load-serving entities that operates through time over an 8-zone AC transmission grid. The modular extensible architecture of the test system permits a wide range of sensitivity studies to be conducted. To illustrate the capabilities of the test system, we report energy cost-savings outcomes for a comparative study of stochastic versus deterministic DAM Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) formulations under systematically varied reserve requirement levels for the deterministic formulation.

The Java/Python code for this test system, together with data for the illustrative application, can be found here: code/data repository site.

AMES Wholesale Power Market Test Bed (Java)

The AMES Wholesale Power Market Test Bed, developed entirely in Java by Hongyan Li, Junjie Sun, and Leigh Tesfatsion, is an extensible and modular agent-based computational laboratory for studying the dynamic efficiency and reliability of wholesale power markets restructured in accordance with guidelines issued by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. AMES models strategically-learning traders interacting over time in an ISO-managed wholesale power market operating over a transmission grid subject to congestion effects. Congestion on the grid is managed by means of locational marginal prices derived from optimal power flow solutions.

AMES is a free open source tool suitable for research, teaching, and training applications. It is designed for the intensive experimental study of small to medium-sized systems. A graphical user interface permits the creation, modification, analysis and storage of scenarios, parameter initialization and editing, specification of behavioral rules (e.g. learning methods) for market participants, and output reports through table and chart displays. AMES is an acronym for Agent-based Modeling of Electricity Systems.

GridLAB-D: Electric Energy Distribution Platform (C++/C)

GridLAB-D is a power distribution simulation platform developed by the U.S. Department of Energy at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Washington.

PNNL maintains a GridLAB-D Site at SourceForge.

Background Materials


Online Resource Materials
