Exercise Policy Information
for Econ 308

Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE)

Last Updated: 18 February 2024

Last Course Offering: Spring 2009
Meeting Time: TR 11-12:20
Meeting Place: East Hall 111

Leigh Tesfatsion
tesfatsi AT iastate.edu

Economics 308 Homepage

Student grades will be based on:

  1. one in-class written midterm exam scheduled for March 12 (30 percent);
  2. assigned take-home and/or in-class exercises related to required readings (30 percent);
  3. general attendance and participation in class discussion (15 percent);
  4. a written course project report on some student-selected topic related to ACE, due the last day of class (25 percent).
There is no final exam.

Students will be assigned as individuals and/or teams for take-home exercises and in-class discussion exercises.

For take-home exercises, each indiv/team will be asked to TURN IN in one copy of their exercise answer for grading and to RETAIN one copy for class discussion. The grade received on each team exercise will be separately recorded as the grade for each team member. All indiv/team members are expected to be present on the exercise due date to participate in the class discussion of their exercise answers.

Important: Please note that exercises are due at the **beginning** of class on the due date and will be marked late if turned in after answers have been discussed. Late exercises will not be graded for course credit -- no exceptions.

For in-class student-moderated discussion exercises, each discussion exercise indiv/team will be asked to prepare and distribute to all class members a written hand-out addressing a small number of assigned discussion questions (based on required course materials) and to moderate a class discussion on the basis of this hand-out. Each indiv/team will be graded on the basis of their written hand-out and their moderation of the in-class discussion; this grade will be recorded separately for each team member.

For all team assignments it is expected that all members of the team will make a good-faith effort to meet together, interact, and jointly carry out assigned exercises in a fair and responsible manner. Team members are asked to try to resolve among themselves any problems that arise within their group. If problems cannot be so resolved, team members will be asked to submit individual reports to me detailing the perceived problems so that exercise points can be allocated as fairly as possible.

The designation of exercise indiv/teams for each successive team exercise will be posted as exercises are assigned. If you are on an exercise team, please contact your team members as soon as possible to coordinate times you can meet to work on assigned exercises.

Copyright © Leigh Tesfatsion. All Rights Reserved.