My Old Homepages were taken down by the university in 2020. I am sorry for this loss of access, and I am trying to recreate some of this material on new pages, like this one. Please let me know ( if a link or broken or you have other problems accessing these publications.
Almeida, K.A., E.A. Pozza, G.A. Silva, T.C. Harrington, M.R.N. Colares. and M.A. Ferreira. 2024. First report of Ceratocystis manginecans causing cankers and death of Coffea arabica in Brazil. Plant Dis. 108:1399. ( Download pdf: CmanginecansCoffea.pdf
Harrington, T.C., M.A. Ferreira, Y.M. Somasekhara, J. Vickery and C.G. G. Mayers. 2023. An expanded concept of Ceratocystis manginecans and five new species in the Latin American Clade of Ceratocystis. Mycologia (DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2023.2284070). Download pdf: Cmanginecans.pdf
Heller, W.P., T.C. Harrington, E. Brill, and L.M. Keith. 2023. High-sensitivity ITS real-time PCR assays for detection of Ceratocystis lukuohia and Ceratocystis huliohia in soil and air samples. PhytoFrontiers ( Download pdf: phytofr-09-22-0091-fi-2.pdf.
Hughes, M. A., K. Roy, T. C. Harrington, E. Brill and L. M. Keith. 2022. Ceratocystis lukuohia-infested ambrosia beetle frass as inoculum for Ceratocystis wilt of ʻŌhiʻa (Metrosideros polymorpha). Plant Pathol. (DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13653). Download the pdf.
Cannon, J.B Friday, T.C. Harrington Lisa Keith, Marc Hughes, Rob Hauff, Flint Hughes, Ryan Perroy, Kylle Roy, Robert Peck, Sheri Smith, Susan Cordell, Blaine Luiz, Christian Giardina, Jennifer Juzwik, Stephanie Yelenik and Zachary Cook. 2022. Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death in Hawai‘i. Chapter 24. Pp. 267-289 In: F. Asiegbu and A. Kovalchuk, eds., Forest Microbiology: Volume 2: Forest Tree Health. Academic Press, London.
Mayers C. G., T. C. Harrington, and P. H. W. Biedermann. 2021. Mycangia define the diverse ambrosia beetle–fungus symbioses. Pp. 105-142 In: Schultz TR, Peregrine PN, Gawne R, (eds), The Convergent Evolution of Agriculture in Humans and Insects. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Link to the book chapter or you can download the chapter PDF:
Mayers, C. G., T. C Harrington, A. Wai and G. Hausner. 2021. Recent and ongoing horizontal transfer of mitochondrial introns between two fungal tree pathogens. Frontiers in Microbiology
Mayers, C. G., T. C. Harrington, D. L. McNew, R. A. Roeper, P. H. W. Biedermann, H. Masuya, and C. C. Bateman. 2020. Four mycangial types and four genera of ambrosia fungi suggest a complex history of fungus-farming in the ambrosia beetle tribe Xyloterini. Mycologia 112:1104-1137.
Hughes, M. A., J. Juzwik, T. C. Harrington, and L. M. Keith. 2020. Pathogenicity, symptom development and colonization of Meterosideros polymorphaby Ceratocystis lukuohia. Plant Dis. 104:2233-2241.
Mayers, C. G., T. C. Harrington, H. Masuya, B.H. Jordal, D.L. McNew, H.-H. Shih, F. Roets, and G.J. Kietzka. 2020. Patterns of coevolution between ambrosia beetle mycangia and the Ceratocystidaceae, with five new fungal genera and seven new species. Persoonia 44:41-66. (pdf of manuscript)
Valdetaro, D.C.O.F., Harrington, T.C., Oliveira, L.S.S., Guimaraes, L.M.S., McNew, D.L., Pimenta, L.V.A., Gonsalves, R.C., Schurt, D.A., Alfenas, A.C. 2019. A host specialized form of Ceratocystis fimbriata causes seed and seedling blight on native Carapa guianensis (andiroba) in Amazonian Rainforests. Fungal Biology, 200. (pdf of manuscript)
Holland, L. A., D. P. Lawrence, M. T. Nouri, R. Travadon, T. C. Harrington, and F. P. Trouillas. 2019. Taxonomic revision and multi-locus phylogeny of the North American clade of Ceratocystis. Fungal Systematics and Evolution (in press, (pdf of online mansucript)
Lumia V., V. Modesti, A. Brunetti, C. L. Wilkinson, G. Di Lernia, T. C. Harrington and M. Pilotti. 2018. Real-Time PCR for Ceratocystis platani detection: in-depth validation to assess the diagnostic potential and include additional technical options. iForest, 11: 499-509. (link to paper) (DOI: 10.3832/ifor2527-011, ISSN: 1971-7458 online). (link)
Barnes, I., A. Fourie, M. J. Wingfield, T. C. Harrington, D. L. McNew, L. S. Sugiyama, B. C. Luiz, W. P. Heller, and L. M. Keith. 2018. New Ceratocystis species associated with rapid death of Metrosiderous polymorpha in Hawaii. Persoonia – Molec. Phylog. Evolut. Fungi 40:154-181. (pdf of manuscript)
Mayers, C. G., C. C. Bateman, and T. C. Harrington. 2018. New Meredithiella species from mycangia of Corthylus ambrosia beetles suggest genus-level coadaptation but not species-level coevolution. Mycologia 110:63-78. (pdf of manuscript)
Li, Qian, T. C. Harrington, D. McNew, and J. Li. 2017. Ceratocystis uchidae sp. nov., a new species on Araceae in Hawaii and Fiji. Mycoscience 58:398-412. ( (pdf of manuscript)
Ferreira, M. A., T. C. Harrington, G. Piveta, and A. C. Alfenas. 2017. Genetic variability suggests three populations of Ceratocystis fimbriata are responsible for the Ceratocystis wilt epidemic on kiwifruit in Brazil. Trop. Pl. Pathol. 42:86-95. (pdf of manuscript)
da Silva, A. C., T. S. Candido, N. L. P. Sales, T. C. Harrington, and A. C. Alfenas. 2017. First report of Ceratocystis wilt caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata on Caryocarbrasiliense trees in Brazil. Plant Dis. 101:1822. (Link to Manuscript).
Oliveira, L., Harrington, T. C., Ferreira, M., Freitas, R., and Alfenas, A. 2017. Populations of Ceratocystis fimbriata on Colocasia esculenta and other hosts in the Mata Atlântica region in Brazil. Plant Pathology (doi: 10.1111/ppa.12706). (pdf of manuscript)
Mayers, C. G., T. C. Harrington, and C. R. Ranger. 2017. First report of a sexual state in an ambrosia fungus: Ambrosiella cleistominuta sp. nov. associated with the ambrosia beetle Anisandrus maiche. Botany 95:503-512 (pdf of manuscript).
Li, Qian, T. C. Harrington, D. McNew, J. Li, Q. Huang, Y. M. Somasekhara, and A. C. Alfenas. 2016. Genetic bottlenecks for two populations of Ceratocystis fimbriata on sweet potato and pomegranate in China. Plant Dis. 100:2266-2274. (pdf of manuscript)
Piveta, G., M.A. Ferreira, M.F.B. Muniz, D. Valdetaro, R. Valdebenito-Sanhueza, T.C. Harrington, and A.C. Alfenas. 2016.Ceratocystis fimbriata on kiwifruit (Actinidia app.) in Brazil. N.Z.J. Crop and Horticultural Sci. 44: 13-24. (pdf of manuscript).
Mayers, C. G., D. L. McNew, T. C. Harrington, R. A. Roeper, S. W. Fraedrich, P. H. W. Biedermann, L. A. Castrillo, and S. E. Reed. 2015. Three genera in theCeratocystidaceae are the respective symbionts of three independent lineages of ambrosia beetles with large, complex mycangia. Fungal Biology (pdf of manuscript).
Harrington, T. C., Q. Huang, M. A. Ferreira, and A. C. Alfenas. 2015. Genetic analyses trace the Yunnan, China population of Ceratocystis fimbriata on pomegranate and taro to populations on Eucalyptus in Brazil. Plant Dis. 99:106-111. (pdf of manuscript)
Oliveira LSS, Harington TC, Freitas RG, McNew D, Alfenas AC. 2015. Ceratocystis tiliae sp. nov., a wound pathogen on Tilia americana. Mycologia (Tiliae.pdf).
Oliveira L.S.S., Harington T.C., Ferreira M.A., Damacena M.B., Al-Sadi A.M., Al-Mahmooli H.I.S ,and Alfenas A,C. 2015. Species or genotypes? Reassessment of four recently described species of the Ceratocystis wilt pathogen, C. fimbriata, on Mangifera indica. Phytopathology. (pdf of manuscript)
Harrington, T. C., M. R. Kazmi, A. M. Al-Sadi, and S. I. Ismail. 2014. Intraspecific and intragenomic variability of ITS rDNA sequences reveals taxonomic problems inCeratocystis fimbriata sensu stricto. Mycologia 106:224-242. doi:10.3852/13-189 (pdf of manuscript)
Harrington, T. C., D. McNew, C. Mayers, S.W. Fraedrich, and S. E. Reed. 2014. Ambrosiella roeperi sp. nov. is the mycangial symbiont of the granulate ambrosia beetle,Xylosandrus crassiusculus. Mycology (pdf of manuscript).
Ferreira, M. A., T. C. Harrington, C. C. Gongora-Canul, R. G. Mafia, E. A. V. Zauza, and A. C. Alfenas. 2013. Spatial-temporal patterns of Ceratocystis wilt in Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. 43:153-164. (pdf of manuscript )
Harrington, T. C. 2013. Ceratocystis diseases. Pp. 230-255 In: Infectious Forest Diseases. P. Gonthier and G. Nicolotti, eds. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. (copy of the pdf of the chapter, or email me for a pdf of this book chapter:
Ferreira, M. A., T. C. Harrington, A. C. Alfenas, and E. S.G. Mitzubuti. 2011. Movement of genotypes of Ceratocystis fimbriata within and among Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. Phytopathology 101: 1005-1012. EucSpatialFP.pdf
Harrington, T. C., D. J. Thorpe, and A. C. Alfenas. 2011. Genetic variation and variation in aggressiveness to native and exotic hosts among Brazilian populations of Ceratocystis fimbriata. Phytopathology 101:555-566. (pdf)
Ferreira, E. M., T. C. Harrington, D. J. Thorpe, and A. C. Alfenas. 2010. Genetic diversity and interfertility among highly differentiated populations of Ceratocystis fimbriata in Brazil. Plant Pathology 59: 721-735. (pdf).
Jensen-Tracy, S., S. Kenaley, G. Hudler, T. Harrington, and C. Logue. 2009. First report of the oak wilt fungus, Ceratocystis fagacearum, in New York state. Plant Dis. 93:428. (link to note)
Harrington, T. C. 2009. The genus Ceratocystis. Where does the oak wilt fungus fit? Proceedings of the 2nd National Oak Wilt Symposium, Appel, D.N. and R.F. Billings (eds.). Austin, TX. (second chapter in pdf)
Juzwik, J. , T. C. Harrington, W. L. MacDonald, and D. N. Appel. 2008. The origin of Ceratocystis fagacearum, the oak wilt fungus. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 46: 13-26. (pdf)
Engelbrecht, C.J., T. C. Harrington, A. Alfenas, and C. Suarez. 2007. Genetic variation of populations of the cacao wilt pathogen, Ceratocystis cacaofunesta. Plant Pathology 56: 923-933. (pdf)
Engelbrecht, C. J., Harrington, T.C., and Alfenas, A. 2007. Ceratocystis wilt of cacao - a disease of increasing importance. Phytopathology 97:1648-1649. (pdf)
Ocasio-Morales, R. G., P. Tsopelas, and T. C. Harrington. 2007. Origin of Ceratocystis platani on native Platanus orientalis in Greece and its impact on natural forests. Plant Dis. 91:901-904. (pdf).
Tsopelas, P., Harrington, T. C., Angelopoulus, A. and Soulioti, N. 2006. Canker stain disease of oriental plane in Greece. Pages 55-57 in: Proc. 12th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, 11-15 June 2006, Rhodes Isl., Greece. E. Tjamos and E. Paplomatas, eds.
Silviera, S F., T. C. Harrington, V. Mussi-Dias, C. J. B. Engelbrecht, A. C. Alfenas, and C. R. Silva. 2006. Annona squamosa, a new host of Ceratocystis fimbriata. Fitopatol. Bras. 31:382-385. (pdf).
Johnson, J. A., T. C. Harrington, and C. J. B. Engelbrecht. 2005. Phylogeny and taxonomy of the North American clade of the Ceratocystis fimbriata complex. Mycologia 97:1067-1092. (pdf).
Engelbrecht, C. J., and T. C. Harrington. 2005. Intersterility, morphology and taxonomy of Ceratocystis fimbriata on sweet potato, cacao and sycamore. Mycologia 97:57-69. (pdf).
Harrington, T. C., D. J. Thorpe, V. L. A. Marinho, and E. L. Furtado. 2005. First report of black rot of Colocasia esculenta caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata in Brazil. Fitopatologia Brasileira 30:88-89. (pdf).
Thorpe, D. J., T. C. Harrington, and J. Y. Uchida. 2005. Pathogenicity, phylogenetics and human dispersal of Ceratocystis fimbriata on the family Araceae. Phytopathology 95:316-323. (pdf).
Engelbrecht, C. J. B., T. C. Harrington, J. Steimel, and P. Capretti. 2004. Genetic variation in eastern North American and putatively introduced populations of Ceratocystis fimbriata f. platani. Molecular Ecology 13:2995-3005. (pdf).
Steimel, J., C. J. B. Engelbrecht, and T. C. Harrington. 2004. Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for the fungus Ceratocystis fimbriata. Mol. Ecol. Notes 4:215-218. (pdf).
Zauza, E.A.V., A.C Alfenas, T.C Harrington, E.S Mizubuti, and J.F Silva. 2004. Resistance of Eucalyptus clones to Ceratocystis fimbriata. Plant Dis. 88:758-760. (pdf).
Szabo, I., and T. C. Harrington. 2004. First report of Thielaviopsis populi on hybrid poplar in Hungary. Plant Pathology 53:249. (pdf).
Baker, C. J., T. C. Harrington, U. Kraus, and A. C. Alfenas. 2003. Genetic variability and host specialization in the Latin American clade of Ceratocystis fimbriata. Phytopathology 93:1274-1284. (pdf).
Paulin-Mahady, A. E., T. C. Harrington, and D. McNew. 2002. Phylogenetic and taxonomic evaluation of Chalara, Chalaropsis, and Thielaviopsis anamorphs associated with Ceratocystis. Mycologia 94:62-72. (pdf).
Harrington, T. C., N. V. Pashenova, D. L. McNew, J. Steimel, and M. Y. Konstantinov. 2002. Species delimitation and host specialization of Ceratocystis laricicola and C. polonica to larch and spruce. Plant Dis. 86:418-422. (pdf).
Roux, J., T. C. Harrington, J. P. Steimel, and M. J. Wingfield. 2001. Genetic variation in the wilt pathogen Ceratocystis albofundus. Mycoscience 42: 327-332.
CAB International. 2001. Ceratocystis fimbriata [original text prepared by TC Harrington & C Baker]. In: Crop Protection Compendium. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. (Revised CD version).
Witthuhn, R. C., T. C. Harrington, B. D. Wingfield, J. Steimel, and M. J. Wingfield. 2000. Deletion of the MAT-2 mating type gene during uni-directional mating type switching in Ceratocystis. Current Genetics 38:48-52 . (pdf).
Paulin, A. E., and T. C. Harrington. 2000. Phylogenetic placement of anamorphic species of Chalara among Ceratocystis species and other ascomycetes. Studies in Mycology 45: 209-222. (pdf).
Witthuhn, R.C., T. C. Harrington, J. P. Steimel, B. D. Wingfield, and M. J. Wingfield. 2000. Comparison of isozymes, rDNA spacer regions, and MAT-2 DNA sequences as phylogenetic characters in the analysis of the Ceratocystis coerulescens complex. Mycologia 92:447-452. (pdf)
Harrington, T. C. 2000. Host specialization and speciation in the American wilt pathogen Ceratocystis fimbriata. Fitopatologia Brasileira 25 (Suppl.): 262-263.
Laia, M. L., A. C. Alfenas, and T. C. Harrington. 1999. Isolation, detection in soil, and inoculation of Ceratocystis fimbriata, causal agent of wilting, die-back and canker in Eucalyptus. page 77 In: Proc. 12th Biennial Conf. of the Australasian Plant Pathology Soc., Canberra, September 1999.
Witthuhn, R. C., B. D. Wingfield, M. J. Wingfield, and T. C. Harrington. 1999. PCR-based identification and phylogeny of species of Ceratocystis sensu stricto. Mycol. Res. 103:743-749. (PDF)
Harrington, T. C., and M. J. Wingfield. 1998. The Ceratocystis species on conifers. Can. J. Bot. 76:1446-1457.
Harrington, T. C., and D. L. McNew. 1998. Partial interfertility among the Ceratocystis species on conifers. Fung. Gen. Biol. 25:44-53.
Harrington, T. C., J. Steimel, and G. A. Kile. 1998. Genetic variation in three Ceratocystis species with outcrossing, selfing and asexual reproductive strategies. European Journal of Forest Pathology 28:217-218. (pdf)
Witthuhn, R. C., B. D. Wingfield, M. J. Wingfied, M. Wolfaardt, and T. C. Harrington. 1998. Monophyly of the conifer species in the Ceratocystis coerulescens complex using DNA sequence data. Mycologia 90:96-101. (pdf)
K. O. Britton, R. Leininger, C. J. Chang, and T. C. Harrington. 1998. Association of Xylella fastidiosa, Ceratocystis fimbriata f. platani and Botryosphaeria rhodina with declining sycamore plantations in the southeastern USA. Abstract 3.7.50, 7th International Plant Pathology Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 1998.(Abstract only)
Harrington, T. C., and D. L. McNew. 1997. Self-fertility and uni-directional mating type switching in Ceratocystis coerlescens, a filamentous ascomycete. Current Genetics 32:52-59. (PDF)
Wingfield, M. J., T. C. Harrington and H. Solheim. 1997. Two species in the Ceratocystis coerulescens complex from conifers in western North America. Can. J. Bot. 75:827-834.
Kile, G. A., T. C. Harrington, Z. Q. Yuan, M. J. Dudzinski, and K. M. Old. 1996. Ceratocystis eucalypti sp. nov., a vascular stain fungus from eucalypts in Australia. Mycol. Res. 100:571-579.
Harrington, T. C., J. Steimel, M. J. Wingfield, and G. A. Kile. 1996. Isozyme variation and species delimitation in the Ceratocystis coerulescens complex. Mycologia 88:104-113. (pdf)
Harrington, T. C. 1981. Cycloheximide sensitivity as a taxonomic character in Ceratocystis. Mycologia 73:1123-1129. (pdf)