Excellence in Introductory Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2008


Iowa State University, College of the Liberal Arts and Science, 2008


Dean Michael Whiteford and
Dr. Susan Chang
Dean Michael Whiteford and
Dr. Susan Chang
Associate Dean Arne Hallam and
Dr. Susan Chang
Associate Dean Arne Hallam and Dr. Susan Chang
Associate Provost
 Dawn Brastch-Prince,
 Associate Dean
 Roza Zimmerman, 
and Dr. Susan Chang
Associate Provost  Dawn Brastch-Prince,  Associate Dean  Roza Zimmerman, and Dr. Susan Chang
Dean Michael Whiteford and
 Dr. Susan Chang
Dean Michael Whiteford and
Dr. Susan Chang
Associate Dean Zora Zimmerman and Dr. Susan Chang
Associate Dean Zora Zimmerman and Dr. Susan Chang
Associate Dean and 
Dr. Susan Chang
Associate Dean and
Dr. Susan Chang