Kati Togliatti
co-advised with Andy VanLocke
Togliatti K, Archontoulis SV, Dietzel R, Puntel L, VanLoocke A, 2017. How does inclusion of weather forecasting impact in-season crop model predictions? Field Crops Research 214: 261–272.
Ordonez R, Castellano M, Hatfield J, Helmers M, Licht M, Liebman M, Dietzel R, Martinez-Feria R, Iqbal J, Puntel L, Cordova C, Togliatti K, Wright E, Archontoulis SV, 2018. Corn and soybean root front velocity and maximum depth in Iowa, USA. Field Crops Research 215: 122–131
Cordova C, Castellano M, Dietzel R, Licht M, Togliatti K, Martinez-Feria R, Archontoulis S, 2019. Soybean nitrogen fixation dynamics in Iowa. Field Crops Research 236: 165–176.
Archontoulis SV, Castellano MJ, Licht MA, Nichols V, Baum M, Huber I, Martinez-Feria R, Puntel L, Ordónez RA, Iqbal J, Wright EE, Dietzel RN, Helmers M, Vanloocke A, Liebman M, Hatfield JL, Herzmann D, Cordova SC, Edmonds P, Togliatti K, Kessler A, Danalatos G, Pasley H, Pederson C, Lamkey KR, 2020. Predicting Crop Yields and Soil-Plant Nitrogen Dynamics in the US Corn Belt. Crop Science, 60: 721–738.