Stream restoration science and practice in Iowa

Stream restoration is a growing field in the state of Iowa, and one that is sometimes motivated by different values or concerns than those that motivate restoration in salmon or timber country. Stream restoration in Iowa also faces somewhat different challenges, including diverse private property ownership, historic channelization and hydrological modification. As Iowa develops best practices for stream restoration efforts in the state, the Applied Geomorphology lab is seeking to understand how and when restoration practices can provide the most benefit given our particular geologic settings, management histories, and social/cultural dynamics. Personnel: Pete Moore, Sara McMillan and Tom Isenhart in collaboration with various partners including Iowa Rivers RevivalHungry Canyons Alliance, the Iowa DNR River Program, and others. 


Bonham, T. 2022, Hydraulic Geometry Relationships and the Development of Regional Curves for Iowa Streams. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University.