Congrats to Kelvin Adu Baah for a successful M.S. defense!

Content Author:
Dr. Pete Moore

The AGL is pleased to announce that Kelvin Adu Baah successfully defended his M.S. thesis last week (August 7)! Kelvin's thesis is entitled Floodplain phosphorus and sediment deposition in the West Nishnabotna River corridor. Key results include the finding that between 0.22 and 0.44 kg of total P were deposited annually in his study reach of the West Nishnabotna River floodplain between 2009 and 2020. Grass was more effective at trapping P-laden sediment than either crop or forest land cover as well. Kelvin will be changing gears quickly and plans to begin a PhD program at the University of Virginia later this month. Congrats, Kelvin, and best of Luck in VA!