Man  Basnet

Dr. Man Basnet

  • Associate Teaching Professor
Man Basnet, Ph.D., is the Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics at Iowa State University starting Fall 2022. He was an Associate Teaching Professor of Mathematics and Data Science before joining the ISBA department at ISU. He is also the current coordinator of MIS 207 ( Fundamentals of Computer Programming). He has taught Mathematics and Data Science courses at Iowa State University since 2013. He is also involved in designing Mathematics and Data Science courses ( Math 408x: Mathematical Methods in Data Science) and guiding students' undergraduate research in Data Science. Dr. Basnet also leads university honors seminar courses in Data Science and leads a group of 6 advanced honors projects with students. He has received grants from ELO and LAS for developing online courses and attending learning analytics and data science conferences. He has received teaching excellence awards from LAS and the Math department at Iowa State University.


Contact Info

3451 Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Dr.
Social Media and Websites


  • Ph. D., Applied Mathematics, Iowa State University, 2013
  • M.S., Applied Mathematics, University of Toledo, 2008
  • M. S., Data Analytics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021