SE 185 (Spring 2020)

General Info Syllabus Schedule Canvas Resources

Welcome to the course web page for SE185: Problem Solving in Software Engineering for the Spring 2020 semester. Use the links above to navigate to the various sub-pages. While much of the course material will be found here, we will be using Canvas to handle lab submissions, in class activities, online discussions, and for grading. We will be using ZyBook for the reading assignment and the homework's.


Md Maruf Ahamed
Office: 307 Durham Center
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday (11:00AM.-12:00PM), 307 Durham Center (or by appointment)
Phone: (515) 294-6323

Teaching Assistants































  • Monday, and Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM, HOOVER 1227

Lab Sections: 

  • Section 1: Tuesday 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM (COOVER 2042)
  • Section 2: Tuesday 2:10 PM - 4:00 PM (COOVER 2042)
  • Section 3: Thursday 4:10 PM - 6:00 PM (COOVER 2042)

Supplementary Recitation: 

  • Location: 1304 Howe HALL
  • Time: Every Friday (5:10pm - 6:00pm)
  • Contact: Connor Kesterson <>

Required Textbooks

This course uses an electronic book published by Zante.

  1. Follow the link below and sign up at zyBooks. Please use your first name, last name exactly as in your student ID. zyBooks:
  2. Enter the zyBook code IASTATESE185AhamedSpring2020
  3. Use ONLY your e-mail address to subscribe
  4. Click Subscribe and Pay the cost of the book.
  5. Select and Enroll in your respective lab section that you signed up for in accessplus.


The following grading scheme will be used:

  • ZyBook Reading: 10%
  • In-Class Activity: 5%
  • ZyBook Homeworks: 12%
  • Labs Attendance: 5%
  • Pre-lab + Lab (reports + demonstration + lab exam): 30%
  • Final Project: 5%
  • Exams (2 midterms + 1 final): 35%

      TOTAL: 102%

Grading Scale

93 – 100 = A
90 – 92.99 = A-
87 – 89.99 = B+
83 – 86.99 = B
80 – 82.99 = B-
77 – 79.99 = C+
73 – 76.99 = C
70 – 72.99 = C-
67 – 69.99 = D+
63 – 66.99 = D
60 – 62.99 = D-
0 – 59.99 = F