Schulte Moore Lab
About the Lab
Welcome to Dr. Lisa Schulte Moore's lab at Iowa State University. We study human-landscape interactions with the goal of informing land use decision making. Major projects include C-CHANGE Grass2Gas, Horizon II, PEWI, and STRIPS. Dr. Schulte Moore is a professor in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management and co-director of the Bioeconomy Institute.
We thank our funders
We couldn't do our work without a cadre of supportive people and institutions. We currently are supported by grants from the following institutions: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture (AFRI and McIntire-Stennis programs), Bia-Echo Foundation, Walton Family Foundation, and The McKnight Foundation. Dr. Schulte Moore is also supported through a fellowship from the MacArthur Foundation and an award from ISU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.