Lily  Wang

Lily Wang

  • Professor of Statistics
Dr. Wang's primary areas of research include non/semi-parametric methods, statistical (machine) learning of data objects with complex features, methodologies for functional data and spatiotemporal data, survey sampling, high dimensional data analysis, and issues related to data science and big data analytics. The methods she developed have a wide application in economics, engineering, neuroimaging, epidemiology, environmental studies, official statistics, and biomedical science.


Contact Info

3218 Snedecor
2438 Osborn Dr


  • Ph.D., Statistics, Michigan State University, 2007

Dr. Wang is currently serving on the editorial board of Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (2020-present), Journal of Nonparametric Statistics (2019-present) and Statistical Analysis and Data Mining (2018-present), as well as on the organizing committee of the COPSS-NISS COVID-19 Data Science Webinar Series (2020-2021).