Gender Balance: Iowa is the only state in the US that requires its local and state level boards and commissions to be gender balanced. The Catt Center has been tracking compliance with this law since 2013. The legislation is under threat in both the courts and the state legislature. The Catt Center seeks to expand this research to compare the diversity of Iowa's boards and commissions with those in other states.
Nancy Pelosi: My recent book, coauthored with Melissa Haussman of Carleton University in Ottawa, is Walking the Gendered Tightrope: Legislative Styles of Theresa May and Nancy Pelosi. 2023. University of Michigan Press.
Fashion and Politics: I am coeditor of Palgrave Handbook of Fashion and Politics, with Lori Poloni-Staudinger, Candice Ortbals, and J. Cherie Strachan. Palgrave MacMillan