Despite the prevalence of corn- and soybean fields around Ames, central Iowa has a number of excellent locations for collecting aquatic insects. These include several rivers, lakes and marshes within easy driving (or bicycling) distance of Iowa State University. The following are but a few possibilities:
Skunk River Watershed
S Fork Skunk River @ Soper's Mill, 42°06.16'N 93°34.56'W 280m
S Fork Skunk River @ Riverside Drive, 42°04.01'N 93°37.28'W 275m
S Fork Skunk River above Carr Park, 42°02.64'N 93°36.23'W 270m
Squaw Creek below 13th Street, 42°02.02'N 93°38.01'W 280m
West Peterson Park, 42°05,23'N 93°35.82'W 280m
Miscellaneous sites in central Iowa
Boone River @ confluence Des Moines River, 42°18.68'N 93°56.01'W 280m
Ketelsen Marsh, 42°05.71'N 93°34.29'W 305m
McFarland Lake @ McFarland Lake, 42°05.71'N 93°34.29'W 300m
Pea Creek @ Ledges State Park (lower), 41°59.52'N 93°53.54'W 260m
Miscellaneous sites in north-central Iowa
Big Wall Lake, 42°36.93'N 93°38.80'W 375m
Deadman's Lake @ Pilot Knob State Park, 43°14.99'N 93°33.90'W 415m
McIntosh Marsh near Clear Lake, 43°07.64'N 93°27.25'W 380m
Marshes @ Union Hills Wildlife Mgt Area, 43°00.71'N 93°25.66'W 380m
Miscellaneous sites in north-east Iowa
Lake Meyer County Park, 43°10.51'N 91°54.26'W 360m
Turkey River @ Clermont, 42°59.83'N 91°39.41'W 245m
Upper Iowa River @ Bluffton, 43°24.46'N 91°54.77'W 305m
Volga River @ Heron Road, 42°51.86'N 91°44.56'W 280m