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Affect Measurement Guidebook Contents
- Foreword by James A. Russell [PDF] [DOI]
- Prologue [PDF] [DOI]
- Chapter 1: Documenting the breadth and depth of the problem [DOI]
- Chapter 2: Untangling the terminological Gordian knot [DOI]
- Chapter 3: Should affective states be considered as distinct entities or as positioned along dimensions? [DOI]
- Chapter 4: Are pleasant and unpleasant states independent or polar opposites? [DOI]
- Chapter 5: Selecting a measure [DOI]
- Chapter 6: The old classics [PDF] [DOI]
- Chapter 7: Dimensional measures [DOI]
- Chapter 8: Domain-specific measurement [DOI]
- Chapter 9: Problems of domain specificity [DOI]
- Epilogue [DOI]
- References [DOI]
Book Chapters
- Brand, R., & Ekkekakis, P. (2021). Exercise behavior change revisited: Affective-reflective theory. In Z. Zenko & L. Jones (Eds.), Essentials of exercise and sport psychology: An open access textbook (pp. 62-92). Hayward, CA: Society for Transparency, Openness, and Replication in Kinesiology. [Pub] [DOI]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Hartman, M.E. (2021). Affective responses to exercise. In E. Filho & I. Basevitch (Eds.), Sport, exercise and performance psychology: Research directions to advance the field (pp. 193-207). New York: Oxford University Press. [DOI] [Pub] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Brand, R. (2021). Exercise motivation from a post-cognitivist perspective: Affective-Reflective Theory. In C. Englert & I. Taylor (Eds.), Motivation and self-regulation in sport and exercise (pp. 20-40). New York: Routledge. [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hartman, M.E., & Ladwig, M.A. (2020). Affective responses to exercise. In G. Tenenbaum & R.C. Eklund (Eds.), Handbook of sport psychology (4th ed., pp. 233-253). New York: Wiley. [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., Ladwig, M.A., & Hartman, M.E. (2019). Physical activity and the "feel-good" effect: Challenges in researching the pleasure and displeasure people feel when they exercise (pp. 210-229). In S.R Bird (Ed.), Research methods in physical activity and health. New York: Routledge. [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hartman, M.E., & Ladwig, M.A. (2019). Conceptual foundations of exercise psychology: Facilitators, inhibitors, and a roadmap towards establishing societal relevance. In M.H. Anshel (Ed.), APA handbook of sport and exercise psychology (pp. 27-56). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [Pub] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2019). Physical activity and mental health in the era of evidence-based medicine. In T.S. Horn & A.L. Smith (Eds.), Advances in sport and exercise psychology (4th ed., pp. 353-373). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., Zenko, Z., Ladwig, M.A., & Hartman, M.E. (2018). Affect as a potential determinant of physical activity and exercise: Critical appraisal of an emerging research field. In D.M. Williams, R.E. Rhodes, & M. Conner (Eds.), Affective determinants of health behavior (pp. 237-261). New York: Oxford University Press. [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., Zenko, Z., & Werstein, K.M. (2018). Exercise in obesity from the perspective of hedonic theory: A call for sweeping change in professional practice norms. In S. Razon & M.L. Sachs (Eds.), Applied exercise psychology: The challenging journey from motivation to adherence (pp. 289-315). New York: Routledge. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Karageorghis, C.I., Ekkekakis, P., Bird, J.M., & Bigliassi, M. (2017). Music in the exercise and sport domain: Conceptual approaches and underlying mechanisms. In M. Leman, M. Lesaffre, & P.-J. Maes (Eds.), Routledge companion to embodied music interaction (pp. 284-293). New York: Routledge. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Zenko, Z. (2016). Measurement of affective responses to exercise: From "affectless arousal" to "the most well-characterized" relationship between the body and affect. In H.L. Meiselman (Ed.), Emotion measurement (pp. 299-321). Duxford, United Kingdom: Woodhead. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. & Zenko, Z. (2016). Escape from cognitivism: Exercise as hedonic experience. In M. Raab, P. Wylleman, R. Seiler, A.M. Elbe, & A. Hatzigeorgiadis (Eds.), Sport and exercise psychology research from theory to practice (pp. 389-414). London: Academic Press. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2014). Affect. In R.C. Eklund & G. Tenenbaum (Eds.), Encyclopedia of sport and exercise psychology (pp. 17-19). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2014). Affective responses to exercise. In R.C. Eklund & G. Tenenbaum (Eds.), Encyclopedia of sport and exercise psychology (pp. 20-24). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2014). Hedonic theory. In R.C. Eklund & G. Tenenbaum (Eds.), Encyclopedia of sport and exercise psychology (pp. 335-337). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2014). Obesity. In R.C. Eklund & G. Tenenbaum (Eds.), Encyclopedia of sport and exercise psychology (pp. 508-510). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2014). Pleasure. In R.C. Eklund & G. Tenenbaum (Eds.), Encyclopedia of sport and exercise psychology (pp. 543-544). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Hanin, J., & Ekkekakis, P. (2014). Emotions in sport and exercise settings. In A. Papaioannou & D. Hackfort (Eds.), Routledge companion to sport and exercise psychology: Global perspectives and fundamental concepts (pp. 83-104). New York: Routledge. [PDF] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Backhouse, S.H. (2014). Physical activity and feeling good. In A. Papaioannou & D. Hackfort (Eds.), Routledge companion to sport and exercise psychology: Global perspectives and fundamental concepts (pp. 687-704). New York: Routledge. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2013). Physical activity as a mental health intervention in the era of managed care: A rationale. In P. Ekkekakis (Ed.), Routledge handbook of physical activity and mental health (pp. 1-32). New York: Routledge. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2013). Pleasure from the exercising body: Two centuries of changing outlooks in psychological thought. In P. Ekkekakis (Ed.), Routledge handbook of physical activity and mental health (pp. 35-56). New York: Routledge. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2013). Postscript. In P. Ekkekakis (Ed.), Routledge handbook of physical activity and mental health (pp. 556-558). New York: Routledge. [PDF] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2013). Redrawing the model of the exercising human in exercise prescriptions: From headless manikin to a creature with feelings! In J.M. Rippe (Ed.), Lifestyle medicine (2nd ed.; pp. 1421-1433). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. [PDF] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Dafermos, M. (2012). Exercise is a many-splendored thing but for some it does not feel so splendid: Staging a resurgence of hedonistic ideas in the quest to understand exercise behavior. In E.O. Acevedo (Ed.), Oxford handbook of exercise psychology (pp. 295-333). New York: Oxford University Press. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2012). The measurement of affect, mood, and emotion in exercise psychology. In G. Tenenbaum, R.C. Eklund, & A. Kamata (Eds.), Measurement in sport and exercise psychology (pp. 321-332). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. [PDF] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Backhouse, S.H. (2009). Exercise and psychological well-being. In R. Maughan (Ed.), Olympic textbook of science in sport (pp. 251-271). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Acevedo, E.O., & Ekkekakis, P. (2006). Psychobiology of physical activity: Integration at last! In E.O. Acevedo & P. Ekkekakis (Eds.), Psychobiology of physical activity (pp. 1-14). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. [PDF] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Acevedo, E.O., & Ekkekakis, P. (2006). Psychobiology of physical activity: Future challenges in understanding human behavior. In E.O. Acevedo & P. Ekkekakis (Eds.), Psychobiology of physical activity (pp. 265-268). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Acevedo, E.O. (2006). Affective responses to acute exercise: Toward a psychobiological dose-response model. In E.O. Acevedo & P. Ekkekakis (Eds.), Psychobiology of physical activity (pp. 91-109). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. [PDF] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Petruzzello, S.J., Ekkekakis, P., & Hall, E.E. (2006). Physical activity, affect, and electroencephalogram studies. In E.O. Acevedo & P. Ekkekakis (Eds.), Psychobiology of physical activity (pp. 111-128). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Biddle, S.J.H., & Ekkekakis, P. (2005). Physically active lifestyles and well-being. In F.A. Huppert, B. Keverne & N. Baylis (Eds.), The science of well-being (pp. 140-168). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. [PDF] [DOI] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2005). The study of affective responses to acute exercise: The dual-mode model. In R. Stelter & K.K. Roessler (Eds.), New approaches to sport and exercise psychology (pp. 119-146). Oxford, United Kingdom: Meyer & Meyer Sport. [PDF] [Amz]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2002). Biofeedback in exercise psychology. In B. Blumenstein, M. Bar-Eli, & G. Tenenbaum (Eds.), Brain and body in sport and exercise: Biofeedback application in performance enhancement (pp. 77-100). Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons. [PDF] [Pub] [Google] [Amz]

Journal Articles
- Swann, C., Jackman, P.C., Lawrence, A., Hawkins, R.M., Goddard, S.G., Williamson, O., Schweickle, M.J., Vella, S.A., Rosenbaum, S., & Ekkekakis, P. (in press). The (over)use of SMART goals for physical activity promotion: A narrative review and critique. Health Psychology Review. [DOI] [Alt] [Plum]
- Teixeira, D., Ekkekakis, P., Andrade, A., Rodrigues, F., Evmenenko, A., Faria, J., Marques, P., Cid, L., & Monteiro, D. (in press). Preference for and Tolerance of the Intensity of Exercise Questionnaire (PRETIE-Q): Validity, reliability and gender invariance in Portuguese health club exercisers. Current Psychology. [DOI] [Alt] [Plum]
- Stodden, D., Lakes, K.D., Côté, J., Aadland, E., Brian, A., Draper, C.E., Ekkekakis, P., Fumagalli, G., Laukkanen, A., Mavilidi, M.F., Mazzoli, E., Neville, R.D., Niemistö, D., Rudd, J., Sääkslahti, A., Schmidt, M., Tomporowski, P.D., Tortella, P., Vazou, S., & Pesce, C. (2021). Exploration: An overarching focus for holistic development. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, 15(5), 301–320. [DOI] [Alt] [Plum]
- Hartman, M.E., Ladwig, M.A., & Ekkekakis, P. (2021). Contactless differentiation of pleasant and unpleasant valence: Assessment of the acoustic startle eyeblink response with infrared reflectance oculography. Behavior Research Methods, 53(5), 2092–2104. [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Zenko, Z., & Vazou, S. (2021). Do you find exercise pleasant or unpleasant? The Affective Exercise Experiences (AFFEXX) questionnaire. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 55, 101930. [DOI] [Alt] [Plum] [Questionnaire]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2021). Why is exercise underutilized in clinical practice despite evidence it is effective? Lessons in pragmatism from the inclusion of exercise in guidelines for the treatment of depression in the British National Health Service. Kinesiology Review, 10 (1), 29-50. [DOI] [Alt] [Plum]
- Swann, S., Rosenbaum, S., Lawrence, A., Vella, S., McEwan, D., & Ekkekakis, P. (2021). Updating goal-setting theory in physical activity promotion: A critical conceptual review. Health Psychology Review, 15 (1), 34-50 [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Miller, M.W., Bacelar, M.F.B., Feiss, R.S., Daou, M., Alderman, B.L., & Ekkekakis, P. (2020). P3b as an electroencephalographic index of automatic associations of exercise-related images. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 158, 114-122. [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Belvederi Murri, M., & Ekkekakis, P. (2020). The role of physical exercise in narrowing the mortality gap among patients with depression. Psychiatric Times, 37 (11), 30-31. [URL]
- Roloff, Z.A., Dicks, N.D., Krynski, L.M., Hartman, M.E., Ekkekakis, P., & Pettitt, R.W. (2020). Ratings of affective valence closely track changes in oxygen uptake: Application to high-intensity interval exercise. Performance Enhancement and Health, 7 (3–4), 100158. [DOI] [Alt] [Plum]
- Zenko, Z., & Ekkekakis, P. (2019). Critical review of measurement practices in the study of automatic associations of sedentary behavior, physical activity, and exercise. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 41 (5), 271-288. [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Belvederi Murri, M., Ekkekakis, P., Magagnoli, M., Zampogna, D., Cattedra, S., Capobianco, L., Serafini, G., Calcagno, P., Zanetidou, S., & Amore, M. (2019). Physical exercise in major depression: Reducing the mortality gap while improving clinical outcomes. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 762. [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Brand, R. (2019). Affective responses to and automatic affective valuations of physical activity: Fifty years of progress on the seminal question in exercise psychology. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 42, 130-137. [DOI] [Alt] [Plum]
- Zenko, Z., & Ekkekakis, P. (2019). Internal consistency and validity of measures of automatic exercise associations. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43, 4-15. [DOI] [Alt] [Plum]
- Hartman, M.E., Ekkekakis, P., Dicks, N.D., & Pettitt, R.W. (2019). Dynamics of pleasure-displeasure at the limit of exercise tolerance: Conceptualizing the sense of exertional physical fatigue as an affective response. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222 (3), jeb186585. [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Jones, L., & Ekkekakis, P. (2019). Affect and prefrontal hemodynamics during exercise under immersive audiovisual stimulation. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 8 (4), 325-338. [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Vazou, S., Mischo, A., Ladwig, M.A., Ekkekakis, P., & Welk, G.J. (2019). Psychologically informed physical fitness practice in schools: A field experiment. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 40, 143-151. [DOI] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ladwig, M.A., Vazou, S., & Ekkekakis, P. (2018). "My best memory is when I was done with it": PE memories are associated with adult sedentary behavior. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 3 (16), 119-129. [PDF] [DOI] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hartman, M.E., & Ladwig, M.A. (2018). Mass media representations of the evidence as a possible deterrent to recommending exercise for the treatment of depression: Lessons five years after the extraordinary case of TREAD-UK. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36 (16), 1860-1871. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Belvederi Murri, M., Ekkekakis, P., Menchetti, M., Neviani, F., Trevisani, F., Tedeschi, S., Latessa, P.M., Nerozzi, E., Ermini, G., Zocchi, D., Squatrito, S., Toni, G., Cabassi, A., Neri, M., Zanetidou, S., & Amore, M. (2018). Physical exercise for late-life depression: Effects on symptom dimensions and time course. Journal of Affective Disorders, 230, 65-70. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Brand, R., & Ekkekakis, P. (2018). Affective-reflective theory of physical inactivity and exercise: Foundations and preliminary evidence. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 48 (1), 48-58. [PDF] [DOI] [YouTube] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Belvederi Murri, M. (2017). Exercise as antidepressant treatment: Time for the transition from trials to clinic? General Hospital Psychiatry, 49, A1-A5. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2017). People have feelings! Exercise psychology in paradigmatic transition. Current Opinion in Psychology, 16, 84-88. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ladwig, M.A., Hartman, M.E., & Ekkekakis, P. (2017). Affect-based exercise prescription: An idea whose time has come? ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal, 21 (5), 10-15. [PDF] [DOI] [Alt] [Plum]
- Schuch, F.B., Morres, I.D., Ekkekakis, P., Rosenbaum, S., & Stubbs, B. (2017). Exercise works for depression: Bridging the implementation gap and making exercise a core component of treatment. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 29 (2), 124-126. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Schuch, F.B., Morres, I.D., Ekkekakis, P., Rosenbaum, S., & Stubbs, B. (2017). A critical review on exercise as a treatment for clinically depressed adults. Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 29 (2), 65-71. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Decker, E.S., & Ekkekakis, P. (2017). More efficient, perhaps, but at what price? Pleasure and enjoyment responses to high-intensity interval exercise in low-active women with obesity. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 28, 1-10. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Zenko, Z., Ekkekakis, P., & Kavetsos, G. (2016). Changing minds? Bounded rationality and heuristic processes in exercise-related judgments and choices. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 5 (4), 337-351. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Zenko, Z., Ekkekakis, P., & Ariely, D. (2016). Can you have your vigorous exercise and enjoy it too? Ramping intensity down increases postexercise, remembered, and forecasted pleasure. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 38 (2), 149-159. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Vazou, S., Bixby, W.R., & Georgiadis, E. (2016). The mysterious case of the public health guideline that is (almost) entirely ignored: Call for a research agenda on the causes of the extreme avoidance of physical activity in obesity. Obesity Reviews, 17 (4), 313-329. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Albee, M.J., & Zenko, Z. (2016). Knowledge of exercise prescription guidelines across one four-year kinesiology curriculum. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87 (1), 124-130. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Zenko, Z., & Ekkekakis, P. (2015). Knowledge of exercise prescription guidelines among certified exercise professionals. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29 (5), 1422-1432. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Smirmaul, B.P.C., Ekkekakis, P., Teixeira, I.P., Nakamura, P.M., & Kokubun, E. (2015). Preference for and Tolerance of the Intensity of Exercise Questionnaire: Brazilian Portuguese version. Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance, 17 (5), 550-564. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2015). Honey, I shrunk the pooled SMD! Guide to critical appraisal of systematic reviews and meta-analyses using the Cochrane review on exercise for depression as example. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 8 (1), 21-36. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Jones, L., Karageorghis, C.I., & Ekkekakis, P. (2014). Can high-intensity exercise be more pleasant? Attentional dissociation using music and video. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 36 (5), 528-541. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Hall, E.E., Petruzzello, S.J., Ekkekakis, P., Miller, P.C., & Bixby, W.R. (2014). The role of self-reported individual differences in preference for and tolerance of exercise intensity in fitness-testing performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28 (9), 2443-2451. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Mackenzie, M., Carlson, L.E., Paskevich, D.M., Ekkekakis, P., Wurz, A.J., Wytsma, K., Krenz, K.A., McAuley, E., & Culos-Reed, N. (2014). Associations between attention, affect and cardiac activity in a single yoga session for female cancer survivors: An enactive neurophenomenology-based approach. Consciousness and Cognition, 27, 129-146. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Mackenzie, M.J., Carlson, L.E., Ekkekakis, P., Paskevich, D.M., & Culos-Reed, S.N. (2013). Affect and mindfulness as moderators of change in mood disturbance, stress symptoms and quality of life in a community-based yoga program for cancer survivors. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013 (419496), 1-13. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hargreaves, E.A., & Parfitt, G. (2013). Introduction to special section on affective responses to exercise. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14 (5), 749-750. [PDF] [DOI] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hargreaves, E.A., & Parfitt, G. (2013). Envisioning the next fifty years of research on the exercise-affect relationship. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14 (5), 751-758. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Parfitt, G., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2011). The pleasure and displeasure people feel when they exercise at different intensities: Decennial update and progress towards a tripartite rationale for exercise intensity prescription. Sports Medicine, 41 (8), 641-671. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Holmes, M.E., Ekkekakis, P., & Eisenmann, J.C. (2010). The physical activity, stress, and metabolic syndrome triangle: A guide to unfamiliar territory for the obesity researcher. Obesity Reviews, 11 (7), 492-507. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Franke, W.D., Kohut, M.L., Russell, D.W., Yoo, H.L., Ekkekakis, P., & Ramey, S.P. (2010). Is job-related stress the link between cardiovascular disease and the law enforcement profession? Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 52 (5), 561-565. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Hall, E.E., Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2010). Predicting affective responses to exercise using resting EEG frontal asymmetry: Does intensity matter? Biological Psychology, 83 (3), 201-206. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Lind, E., & Vazou, S. (2010). Affective responses to increasing levels of exercise intensity in normal-weight, overweight, and obese middle-aged women. Obesity, 18 (1), 79-85. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2009). Illuminating the black box: Investigating prefrontal cortical hemodynamics during exercise with near-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 31 (4), 505-553. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2009). The dual-mode theory of affective responses to exercise in metatheoretical context: II. Bodiless heads, ethereal cognitive schemata, and other improbable dualistic creatures, exercising. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2 (2), 139-160. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2009). The dual-mode theory of affective responses to exercise in metatheoretical context: I. Initial impetus, basic postulates, and philosophical framework. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2 (1), 73-94. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2009). Let them roam free? Physiological and psychological evidence for the potential of self-selected exercise intensity in public health. Sports Medicine, 39 (10), 857-888. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Lind, E., Welch, A.S., & Ekkekakis, P. (2009). Do "mind over muscle" strategies work? Examining the effects of attentional association and dissociation on exertional, affective, and physiological responses to exercise. Sports Medicine, 39 (9), 743-764. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Vazou-Ekkekakis, S., & Ekkekakis, P. (2009). Affective consequences of imposing the intensity of physical activity: Does the loss of perceived autonomy matter? Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 6 (2), 125-144. [PDF] [Scholar]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2008). The genetic tidal wave finally reached our shores: Will it be the catalyst for a critical overhaul of the way we think and do science? Mental Health and Physical Activity, 1 (2), 47-52. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Smiley-Oyen, A.L., Lowry, K., Francoise, S., Kohut, M., & Ekkekakis, P. (2008). Exercise, fitness, and neurocognitive function in older adults: The "selective improvement" and "cardiovascular fitness" hypotheses. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 36 (3), 280-291. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2008). Affect circumplex redux: The discussion on its utility as a measurement framework in exercise psychology continues. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1 (2), 139-159. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Lind, E., Hall, E.E., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2008). Do regression-based computer algorithms for determining the ventilatory threshold agree? Journal of Sports Sciences, 26 (9), 967-976. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hall, E.E., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2008). The relationship between exercise intensity and affective responses demystified: To crack the forty-year-old nut, replace the forty-year-old nutcracker! Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 35 (2), 136-149. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Holmes, M.E., Eisenmann, J.C., Ekkekakis, P., & Gentile, D. (2008). Physical activity, stress and the metabolic syndrome in 8-18 yr old boys. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 5 (2), 294-307. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Thome, J., Hall, E.E., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2008). The Preference for and Tolerance of the Intensity of Exercise Questionnaire: A psychometric evaluation among college women. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26 (5), 499-510. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Backhouse, S.H., Gray, C., & Lind, E. (2008). Walking is popular among adults but is it pleasant? A framework for clarifying the link between walking and affect as illustrated in two studies. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 9 (3) 246-264. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Lind, E., Ekkekakis, P., & Vazou, S. (2008). The affective impact of exercise intensity that slightly exceeds the preferred level: "Pain" for no added "gain." Journal of Health Psychology, 13 (4), 464-468. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Lind, E., Hall, E.E., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2007). Can self-reported tolerance of exercise intensity play a role in exercise testing? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39 (7), 1193-1199. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Backhouse, S.H., Ekkekakis, P., Biddle, S.J.H., Foskett, A., & Williams, C. (2007). Exercise makes people feel better but people are inactive: Paradox or artifact? Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 29 (4), 498-517. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Hall, E.E., Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2007). Regional brain activity and strenuous exercise: Predicting affective responses using EEG asymmetry. Biological Psychology, 75 (2), 194-200. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Eisenmann, J.C., Ekkekakis, P., & Holmes, M. (2006). Sleep duration and overweight among children and adolescents. Acta Paediatrica, 95 (8), 956-963. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Lind, E. (2006). Exercise does not feel the same when you are overweight: The impact of self-selected and imposed intensity on affect and exertion. International Journal of Obesity, 30 (4), 652-660. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Lind, E., & Joens-Matre, R.R. (2006). Can self-reported preference for exercise intensity predict physiologically defined self-selected exercise intensity? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77 (1), 81-90. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Hall, E.E., Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2005). Is the relationship of perceived exertion to psychological factors intensity-dependent? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 37 (8), 1365-1373. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hall, E.E., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2005). Some like it vigorous: Individual differences in the preference for and tolerance of exercise intensity. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 27 (3), 350-374. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Kohut, M.L., Lee, W., Martin, A., Arnston, B.A., Russell, D.W., Ekkekakis, P., Yoon, K.J., Bishop, A., & Cunnick, J.E. (2005). The exercise-induced enhancement of influenza immunity is mediated in part by improvements in psychosocial factors in older adults. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 19 (4), 357-366. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Lind, E., Joens-Matre, R.R., & Ekkekakis, P. (2005). What intensity of physical activity do formerly sedentary middle-aged women select? Evidence of a coherent pattern from physiological, perceptual, and affective markers. Preventive Medicine, 40 (4), 407-419. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hall, E.E., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2005). Variation and homogeneity in affective responses to physical activity of varying intensities: An alternative perspective on dose-response based on evolutionary considerations. Journal of Sports Sciences, 23 (5), 477-500. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hall, E.E., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2005). Evaluation of the circumplex structure of the Activation Deactivation Adjective Check List before and after a short walk. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 6 (1), 83-101. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2004). Affective, but hardly effective: A response to Gauvin and Rejeski (2001). Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 5 (2), 135-152. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hall, E.E., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2004). Practical markers of the transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism during exercise: Rationale and a case for affect-based exercise prescription. Preventive Medicine, 38 (2), 149-159. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2003). Pleasure and displeasure from the body: Perspectives from exercise. Cognition and Emotion, 17 (2), 213-239. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Hall, E.E., Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2002). The affective beneficence of vigorous exercise revisited. British Journal of Health Psychology, 7 (1), 47-66. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2002). Analysis of the affect measurement conundrum in exercise psychology: IV. A conceptual case for the affect circumplex. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 3 (1), 35-63. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2001). Analysis of the affect measurement conundrum in exercise psychology: III. A conceptual and methodological critique of the Subjective Exercise Experiences Scale. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2 (4), 205-232. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Acevedo, E.O., & Ekkekakis, P. (2001). The transactional psychobiological nature of cognitive appraisal during exercise in environmentally stressful conditions. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2 (1), 47-67. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2001). Analysis of the affect measurement conundrum in exercise psychology: II. A conceptual and methodological critique of the Exercise-induced Feeling Inventory. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2 (1), 1-26. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Petruzzello, S.J., Hall, E.E., & Ekkekakis, P. (2001). Regional brain activation as a biological marker of affective responsivity to acute exercise: Influence of fitness. Psychophysiology, 38 (1), 99-106. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Van Landuyt, L.M., Ekkekakis, P., Hall, E.E., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2000). Throwing the mountains into the lakes: On the perils of nomothetic conceptions of the exercise-affect relationship. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 22 (2), 208-234. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hall, E.E., Van Landuyt, L.M., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2000). Walking in (affective) circles: Can short walks enhance affect? Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23 (3), 245-275. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2000). Analysis of the affect measurement conundrum in exercise psychology: I. Fundamental issues. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 1 (2), 71-88. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Hall, E.E., Ekkekakis, P., Van Landuyt, L.M., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2000). Resting frontal asymmetry predicts self-selected walking speed, but not affective responses to a short walk. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 71 (1), 74-79. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Alt] [Plum]
- Chow, J.W., Carlton, L.G., Ekkekakis, P., & Hay, J.G. (2000, January). A web-based video digitizing system for the study of projectile motion. The Physics Teacher, 38 (1), 37-40. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (1999). Acute aerobic exercise and affect: Current status, problems, and prospects regarding dose-response. Sports Medicine, 28 (5), 337-374. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Ekkekakis, P., Hall, E.E., & Petruzzello, S.J. (1999). Measuring state anxiety in the context of acute exercise using the State Anxiety Inventory: An attempt to resolve the brouhaha. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 21 (3), 205-229. [PDF] [DOI] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
- Carlton, L.G., Chow, J.W., Ekkekakis, P., Shim, J., Ichiyama, R., & Carlton, M.J. (1999). A web-based digitized video image system for the study of motor coordination. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 31 (1), 57-62. [PDF] [DOI] [PubMed] [Scholar] [Alt] [Plum]
Conference Proceedings
- Ekkekakis, P., & Lind, E. (2005). The dual-mode model of affective responses to exercise of varying intensities: A new perspective on the dose-response relationship. In T. Morris (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th World Congress of Sport Psychology. Sydney, Australia: International Society of Sport Psychology. [PDF]
- Hall, E.E., Ekkekakis, P., & Petruzzello, S.J. (2005). Is the role of cognitive factors in exercise responses intensity-dependent? Extending the dual-mode model to perceived exertion. In T. Morris (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th World Congress of Sport Psychology. Sydney, Australia: International Society of Sport Psychology. [PDF]
- Ekkekakis, P. (2003). Theoretical integration in the study of affective responses to acute exercise: The dual-mode model. In R. Stelter (Ed.), Proceedings of the XIth European Congress of Sport Psychology. Copenhagen, Denmark: Danish Forum of Sport Psychology. [PDF]
- Zervas, Y., Psychountaki, M., & Ekkekakis, P. (1999). Affective changes during and following acute aerobic exercise: Freely selected versus imposed levels of intensity. In V. Hosek, P. Tilinger, & L. Bilek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th European Congress of Sport Psychology (Vol. 2, pp. 310-312). Prague, Czech Republic: European Federation of Sport Psychology.
- Ekkekakis, P., Kavouras, S.A., Casa, D.J., Herrera, J.A., Armstrong, L.E., Maresh, C.M., & Petruzzello, S.J. (1997). Affective responses to a bout of exhaustive exercise in the heat in dehydrated and rehydrated states: In search of physiological correlates. In R. Lidor & M. Bar-Eli (Eds.), Innovations in sport psychology: Linking theory and practice (Proceedings of the IX World Congress of Sport Psychology; vol. 1, pp. 253-255). Netanya, Israel: International Society of Sport Psychology. [PDF]
- Zervas, Y., Psychountaki, M., Stavrou, N., & Ekkekakis, P. (1997). The effects of physical education lessons on mood states of high school children. In R. Lidor & M. Bar-Eli (Eds.), Innovations in sport psychology: Linking theory and practice (Proceedings of the IX World Congress of Sport Psychology; vol. 2, pp. 785-787). Netanya, Israel: International Society of Sport Psychology.
- Ekkekakis, P., & Zervas, Y. (1993). The effect of a single bout of aerobic exercise on mood: Co-examination of biological and psychological parameters in a controlled field study. In S. Serpa, J. Alves, V. Ferreira, & A. Paula-Brito (Eds.), Proceedings of the VIII World Congress of Sport Psychology (pp. 543-547). Lisbon, Portugal: International Society of Sport Psychology. [PDF]
- Zervas, Y., Ekkekakis, P., Emmanouel, K., Psychountaki, M., & Kakkos, V. (1993). The acute effects of increasing levels of aerobic exercise intensity on mood states. In S. Serpa, J. Alves, V. Ferreira, & A. Paula-Brito (Eds.), Proceedings of the VIII World Congress of Sport Psychology (pp. 620-624). Lisbon, Portugal: International Society of Sport Psychology. [PDF]