Meals from the Heartland - Community service event

The Biology and Genetics Undergraduate Programs hosted another Meals from the Heartland event in the Atrium of the Molecular Biology Building on the ISU campus. (This event is co-hosted with the Genetics Club and the Biological Sciences Club (BSC). Over the years we have packaged over 65,000 meals!

BIO|GEN Hunger Fighters
2022 Meals From the Heartland
Since 2022, the BIOL-GEN Hunger Fighters (Atrium of Molecular Biology Building) have packaged over 60,000 meals that help feed the food insecure!!!!!

When: Saturday, September 28, 2024 (ISU football game is away)
Time: 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Where: Molecular Biology Building Atrium

Our goal is to package more than 20,000 meals !!!!

Volunteers needed for ALL shifts:
8:30-10 AM: setup
10-12: Package thousands and thousands of meals
12-1:30 PM: Cleanup
We also really need volunteers to assist in setup and cleanup. 
Setup will start at 8:30 AM, cleanup will take about an hour or so after the final food package has been sealed (~12:00-1:30 PM).

For additional information email:
For additional information about Meals From the Heartland.

Biology and Genetics undergraduate hunger fighters in the Atrium of the Molecular Biology Building. Photos from the Meals From The Heartland event sponsored by the Biology and Genetics Undergraduate Programs. BIO|GEN Hunger Fighters have packaged over 65,000 meals for the food insecure here in Iowa, the USA, and the world!

Fall 2024 Event

Group photoGroup photo-funnyGroup photo-setup crew
Team7PackagingMBB 1414
Hunger Fights in Atrium-1 

Fall 2023 Event


Please watch the video before attending this hunger fighting event.