I teach a variety of courses in quantitative evolutionary biology; both at Iowa State, and around the world.
1: Courses Taught at Iowa State
Every Fall: Vertebrate Biology (Biol 365 / A Ecl 365)
Evolution, classification, and ecology of major vertebrate lineages: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The course uses a comparative approach, examining the evolution, ecology, behavior, anatomy, and life history aspects of vertebrates. Selected topics include: systematics, speciation, locomotion, coloration, thermal adaptations, species interactions, communication and behavior, and spatial patterns. Laboratory exercises concentrate on morphology and identification of orders of vertebrates.
Spring, Even Years: Macroevolution (EEOB 565 / BIOL 465)
The history and diversity of life on earth; evolutionary patterns and processes above the species level. Examine diversity from a phylogenetic perspective. Empirical exercises include: phylogeny estimation, ancestral states, estimating diversification rates, evaluating the tempo and mode of evolution, biogeographic patterns, and trait associations across the tree of life.
Spring, Odd Years: Advanced Biostatistics (EEOB 590)
Review of the basic univariate and multivariate statistics commonly used in evolutionary and ecological research. The goal of the course is to give students a general idea of what statistical methods are commonly used in evolutionary ecology, which methods are appropriate for which types of data, and to provide a general knowledge of how the methods work.
Prior courses at Iowa State
The Comparative Method in Evolutionary Biology
Morphometric Analysis
2: International Workshops & Short Courses
I am also active in educational ‘outreach', where I serve as an instructor at National and International Workshops. These workshops play a critical role in reducing the learning curve for new users interested in applying these methods in their own research. Here, students and researchers from around the world receive intensive, specialized training in the latest geometric morphometric and statistical techniques. Through these efforts I have trained nearly 500 scientists from 48 countries.
2024. Geometric Morphometrics in R. Copenhagen, Denmark.
2023. Geometric Morphometrics in R. Barcelona, Spain.
2023. Geometric Morphometrics Short Course. Barcelona, Spain.
2022. Biostatistics in R Short Course. Barcelona, Spain.
2019. Geometric Morphometics in R. Glasgow, Scotland.
2019. Geometric Morphometics in R. Concepcion, Chile.
2018. High-Dimensional Data Analysis in Ecology and Evolution in R. Lund, Sweden.
2016.Geometric Morphometics in R. Wales, UK.
2016. Geometric Morphometics in R. Lund, Sweden.
2016. Geometric Morphometics in R. Transmitting Science, Spain.
2015. Geometric Morphometics in R. CIBIO, Portugal.
2015. Geometric Morphometics in R. Montreal, Canada.
2015. Geometric Morphometics in R. AMNH, New York, USA.
2014. Geometric Morphometics in R. Tromsø, Norway.
2013. Geometric Morphometrics Course. Iowa City, IA, USA.
2013. Geometric Morphometrics Course. Boston, MA, USA.
2012. Multivariate Data Analysis for Ecology and Evolution in R. CIBIO, Portugal.
2010. Advanced Geometric Morphometrics Workshop in Evolution and Systematics. Molise, Italy.
2010. Geometric Morphometrics Short Course. Florence, Italy.
2010. Geometric Morphometrics Short Course (Instructor). University of Genova, Genova, Italy.
2006. Geometric Morphometrics Workshop. Ankara, Turkey.
2006. Geometric Morphometrics Workshop. Ames, IA, USA.
2004. Geometric Morphometrics Workshop. Umeå Sweden.
2002. Geometric Morphometrics Workshop. Rome, Italy.
2001. Geometric Morphometrics Workshop. Santiago de Chile, Chile.