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Lab members in bold; * = student author


154. Burriel-Carranza, B., T. Koppetsch, J. Tabares, A. Talavera, A., G. Mochales-Riaño, M. Estrellas, B. Wipfler, J. Els, M. Simo-Riudalbas, D.C. Adams, S. Al Saadi, J. Garcia-Porta, K. Tamar, J. Smid, S. Carranza. 2024.Cryptic speciation in arid mountains: An integrative revision of the Pristurus rupestris species complex (Squamata, Sphaerodactylidae) from Arabia based on morphological, genetic and genomic data, with the description of four new species. PLoS ONE. (Accepted).

153. Mitteroecker, P., M.L. Collyer, and D.C. Adams. 2025. Exploring phylogenetic signal in multivariate phenotypes by maximizing Blomberg's K. Systematic Biology. (In Press).


152.  Adams, D.C., and M.L. Collyer. 2024. Extending Phylogenetic Regression Models for Comparing Within-Species Patterns Across the Tree of LifeMethods in Ecology and Evolution. 15:2234-2246. (Table erratum)

151. Glynne, E.*, and D.C. Adams. 2024. The effect of miniaturization on the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in geckosEvolution. 78:1275-1286.

150. Talavera, A., E.E. Valbuena-Ureña, B. Burriel-Carranza, G. Mochales-Riaño, D.C. Adams, F. Amat, F. Carbonell, S. Carranza. 2024. Integrative systematic revision of the Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), with the description of a new subspecies. PeerJLife. 12:e17550. 

149. Collyer, M.L., and D.C. Adams. 2024. Interrogating Random and Systematic Measurement Error in Morphometric DataEvolutionary Biology. 51:179-207.

148. Talavera, A., M. Palmada-Flores. B. Burriel-Carranza, E.E. Valbuena-Ureña, G. Mochales-Riaño, D.C. Adams, H.Tejero-Cicuéndez, A. Soler-Membrives, F. Amat, D. Guinart, F. Carbonell, E. Obon, T. Marques-Bonet and S. Carranza. 2024. Genomic insights into the Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), a Critically Endangered glacial relict. iScience. 108665. 



147. Reyes-Puig, C., D.C. Adams, U. Enriquez-Urzelai, and A. Kaliontzopoulou. 2023. Rensch’s Rule: linking intraspecific to evolutionary allometry. Evolution. 77:2576–2589.

146. Tejero-Cicuéndez, H., I. Menéndez, A. Talavera, G. Riaño, B. Burriel-Carranza, M. Simó-Riudalbas, S. Carranza, and D.C. Adams. 2023. Evolution along allometric lines of least resistance: Morphological differentiation in Pristurus geckos. Evolution. 77:2547–2560.

145. Porter, C., F. Romero, D.C. Adams, R. Bowie, and E. Riddell. 2023. Adaptive and non-adaptive convergent evolution in feather reflectance of Channel Islands songbirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B.  290:20231914.  

144. Juarez, B.H.*, D.S. Moen, and D.C. Adams. 2023. Ecology, sexual dimorphism, and jumping evolution in anurans. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 36:829–841.


143. Conaway, M.A., and D.C. Adams. 2022. An effect size for comparing the strength of morphological integration across studiesEvolution. 76: 2244-2259.

142. Baken, E.K.*D.C. Adams, and M.S. Rentz. 2022. Jigsaw method improves learning and performance for observation-based undergraduate biology laboratory activitiesJournal of Biological Education. 56:317-322.

141. Juarez, B.H.* and D.C. Adams. 2022. Evolutionary allometry of sexual dimorphism of jumping performance in anuransEvolutionary Ecology. 36:717–733.

140. Audino, J., D.C. Adams, and J.M. Serb. 2022.  Variation in eye abundance among scallops reveals ontogenetic and evolutionary convergence associated with life habitsEvolution. 76:1607–1618.

139. Adams, D.C. and M.L. Collyer. 2022.  Consilience of methods for phylogenetic analysis of varianceEvolution. 76:1406–1419.

138. Collyer, M.L., E.K. Baken, and D.C. Adams. 2022. A Standardized Effect Size for Evaluating and Comparing the Strength of Phylogenetic SignalMethods in Ecology and Evolution13:367-382.


137. Baken, E.K.*, M.L. Collyer, A. Kaliontzopoulou, and D.C. Adams. 2021. geomorph v4.0 and gmShiny: enhanced analytics and a new graphical interface for a comprehensive morphometric experienceMethods in Ecology and Evolution. 12:2355–2363.

136. Baken, E.K.*, L. Mellenthin*, and D.C. Adams. 2021. Is salamander arboreality limited by broad-scale climatic conditions? PLoS ONE. 16(8): e0255393. 

135. Ruden, R.M.*, J.S. Adelman, and D.C. Adams. 2021. Using multivariate analyses to explore disease progression of finch mycoplasmosisJournal of Wildlife Diseases. 57:525-533.

134. Collyer, M.L., and D.C. Adams. 2021. Phylogenetically aligned component analysisMethods in Ecology and Evolution. 12:359-372.


133. Adams, D.C., E. Glynne*, and A. Kaliontzopoulou. 2020. Interspecific allometry for sexual shape dimorphism: Macroevolution of multivariate sexual phenotypes with application to Rensch's Rule. Evolution. 74:1908-1922.

132. Juarez, B.H.*, D.S. Moen, and D.C. Adams. 2020. A morphological method to approximate jumping performance in anurans for macroevolutionary studies. Evolutionary Biology. 47:260-271.

131. Collyer, M.L., M.A. Davis, and D.C. Adams. 2020. Making heads or tails of combined landmark configurations in geometric morphometric data. Evolutionary Biology47:193-205.

130. Baken, E.K.*, L. Mellenthin*, and D.C. Adams. 2020. Macroevolution of desiccation-related morphology in plethodontid salamanders as inferred from a novel surface area to volume ratio estimation approach. Evolution74:476-486.


129. Adams, D.C., and M.L. Collyer. 2019. Comparing the strength of modular signal, and evaluating alternative modular hypotheses, using covariance ratio effect sizes with morphometric data. Evolution. 73:2352-2367.

128. Adams, D.C., and M.L. Collyer. 2019. Phylogenetic comparative methods and the evolution of multivariate phenotypes. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 50:405-425.

127. Baken, E.K.*, and D.C. Adams. 2019. Macroevolution of arboreality in salamanders. Ecology and Evolution. 9:7005-7016.

126. Escalona, T., N. Valenzuela, and D.C. Adams. 2019. Do local environmental factors and lunar cycle influence timing and synchrony of oviposition of a turtle with strict nocturnal nesting? Diversity11(5): 78.

125. Gallaher, T.J., D.C. Adams, L. Attigala, S.V. Burke, J.M. Craine, M.R. Duvall, P.C. Klahs, E. Sherratt, W.P. Wysocki, and L.G. Clark. 2019. Leaf shape tracks transitions across forest-grassland boundaries in the grass family (Poaceae). Evolution. 73:927-946.


124. Collyer, M.L, and D.C. Adams. 2018. RRPP: An R package for fitting linear models to high-dimensional data using residual randomization. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 9:1772-1779.

123. Adams, D.C., and M.L. Collyer. 2018. Phylogenetic ANOVA: Group-clade aggregation, biological challenges, and a refined permutation procedure. Evolution. 72: 1204-1215.

122. Adams, D.C. , and J.D. Nason. 2018. A phylogenetic comparative method for evaluating trait coevolution across two phylogenies for sets of interacting species. Evolution. 72:234-243.

121. Escalona, T., D.C. Adams, and N. Valenzuela. 2018. A lengthy solution to the optimal propagule size problem in the large-bodied South American freshwater turtle, Podocnemis unifilis. Evolutionary Ecology. 32:29-41.

120. Adams, D.C., and M.L. Collyer. 2018. Multivariate phylogenetic comparative methods: Evaluations, comparisons, and recommendations. Systematic Biology. 67:14-31.


119. Sherratt, E., J.M. Serb, and D.C. Adams. 2017. Rates of morphological evolution, asymmetry, and morphological integration of shell shape in scallopsBMC Evolutionary Biology. 17(248):1-10.

118. Serb, J.S., E. Sherratt, A. Alejandrino*, and D.C. Adams. 2017. Phylogenetic convergence and multiple shell shape optima for gliding scallops (Bivalvia: Pectinidae)Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 30:1736-1747.

117. Adams, D.C., D. Korneisel*, M. Young*, and A. Nistri. 2017. Natural history constrains the macroevolution of foot morphology in European plethodontid salamandersAmerican Naturalist. 190:292-297.

116. Bohorquez-Herrera, J., D. Aurioles-Gamboa, C. Hernandez-Camacho and D.C. Adams. 2017. Variability in the Skull Morphology of Adult Male California Sea Lions and Galapagos Sea Lions. pp. 22-29 In Tropical pinnipeds: Bio-ecology, threats and conservation. (J.J. Avala ed). CRC Press.

115. Cayuela, M.L., E. Aguilera, A. Sanz-Cobena, D.C. Adams, D. Abalos, L. Barton, R. Ryals, W.L. Silver, M.A. Alfaro, V.A. Pappa, P. Smith, J. Garnier, G. Billen, L. Bouwman, A. Bondeau, and L. Lassaletta. 2017. Direct nitrous oxide emissions in Mediterranean climate cropping systems: Emission factors based on a meta-analysis of available measurement dataAgriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 238:25-35.


114. Adams, D.C. and M.L. Collyer. 2016. On the comparison of the strength of morphological integration across morphometric datasets Evolution. 70:2623-2631.

113. Sherratt, E., A. Alejandrino*, A.C. Kraemer*, J.M. Serb, and D.C. Adams. 2016. Trends in the sand: directional evolution in the shell shape of recessing scallops (Bivalvia: Pectinidae)Evolution. 70:2061-2073.

112. Kraemer, A.C.*, J.M. Serb, and D.C. Adams. 2016. Both novelty and conspicuousness influence selection on Plethodon cinereus color morphs by mammal predatorsBiological Journal of the Linnean Society. 118:889-900.

111. Adams, D.C.. 2016. Evaluating modularity in morphometric data: Challenges with the RV coefficient and a new test measureMethods in Ecology and Evolution. 7:565-572.

110. Kaliontzopoulou, A., and D.C. Adams. 2016. Phylogenies, the comparative method and the conflation of tempo and modeSystematic Biology. 65:1-15.


109. Collyer, M.L., D.J. Sekora, and D.C. Adams. 2015. A method for analysis of phenotypic change for phenotypes described by high-dimensional dataHeredity. 115: 357-365.

108. Denton, J.S.S., and D.C. Adams. 2015. A new phylogenetic test for comparing multiple high-dimensional evolutionary rates suggests interplay of evolutionary rates and modularity in lanternfishes (Myctophiformes; Myctophidae)Evolution. 69:2425-2440.

107. Salvidio, S., F. Crovetto, and D.C. Adams. 2015. Rapid evolution of foot morphology in Italian plethodontid salamanders (Hydromantes strinatii) following the colonization of an artificial caveJournal of Evolutionary Biology. 28:1403-1409.

106. Kraemer, A.C.*, J.M. Serb, and D.C. Adams. 2015. Model toxin level does not directly influence the evolution of mimicry in the salamander Plethodon cinereusEvolutionary Ecology. 29:511-523.

105. Kraemer, A.C.*, J.M. Serb, and D.C. Adams. 2015. Batesian mimics influence the evolution of conspicuousness in an aposematic salamanderJournal of Evolutionary Biology. 28:1016-1023.

104. Rice, J.W.*, M.C. Clough, J.K. Olson, D.C. Adams, and J.T. Colbert. 2015. University faculty and their knowledge and acceptance of biological evolutionEvolution, Education, and Outreach. 8:8.doi:10.1186/s12052-015-0036-5.

103. Bohórquez-Herrera, J., V. H. Cruz-Escalona, D.C. Adams, and M. S. Peterson. 2015. Feeding ecomorphology of seven demersal marine fish species in the Mexican Pacific OceanEnvironmental Biology of Fishes. 98:1459-1473.

102. Adams, D.C., and M.L. Collyer. 2015. Permutation tests for phylogenetic comparative analyses of high-dimensional shape data: what you shuffle mattersEvolution. 69:823-829.

101. Kaliontzopoulou, A., M.A. Carretero, and D.C. Adams. 2015. Ecomorphological variation in male and female wall lizards and the macroevolution of sexual dimorphism in relation to habitat useJournal of Evolutionary Biology. 28:80-94.


100. Adams, D.C. 2014. A method for assessing phylogenetic least squares models for shape and other high-dimensional multivariate dataEvolution. 68:2675-2688.

99. Adams, D.C. 2014. A generalized K statistic for estimating phylogenetic signal from shape and other high-dimensional multivariate dataSystematic Biology. 63:685-697.

98. Caruso, N.M.*, M. Sears, D.C. Adams, and K.R. Lips. 2014. Widespread rapid reductions in body size of Appalachian salamanders in response to climate changeGlobal Change Biology. 20:1751-1759.

Featured in: 1) Science Now, 2) Nature News 

Media coverage: 1) Scientific American, 2) National Geographic, 3) BBC Nature, 4) NBC News, 5) Nature World News, 6) International Business Times, 7) Headlines and Global News, 8) The Weather Channel, 9) Austrian Tribune, 10) Huffington Post, 11) University Herald, 12) Der Standard, 13) EcoWatch, 14) Environmental Protection Online, 15) United Press International, 16) RedOrbit, 17) Des Moines Register, 18) Futurity, 19) RadioIowa, 20) Ames Tribune

97. Adams, D.C. and R. Felice*. 2014. Assessing phylogenetic morphological integration and trait covariation in morphometric data using evolutionary covariance matricesPLoS ONE. 9(4):e94335.

96. Kraemer, A.C.*, and D.C. Adams. 2014. Predator perception of Batesian mimicry in a salamanderEvolution. 68:1197-1206.

95. Condon, M.A., S.J. Scheffer, M. Lewis, R. Wharton, D.C. Adams, and A.A. Forbes. Lethal interactions between parasites and prey increase niche diversity in a tropical communityScience. 343:1240-1244.

(commentary by Godfray 2014: Science)

Media coverage: 1) National Geographic, 2) Popular Mechanics, 3) Down To Earth, 4), 5)

94. Rivera, G., J.N. Davis*, J.C. Godwin, and D.C. Adams. 2014. Parallel evolution of habitat-associated divergence in shell shape of turtlesEvolutionary Biology. 41:29-37.

93. Adams, D.C. 2014. Quantifying and comparing phylogenetic evolutionary rates for shape and other high-dimensional phenotypic dataSystematic Biology. 63:166-177.


92. Kelly, C.D., K.E. Folinsbee, D.C. Adams, and M.D. Jennions. 2013. Intraspecific sexual size and shape dimorphism in an Australian freshwater fish differs with respect to a biogeographic barrier and latitudeEvolutionary Biology. 40:408-419.

91. Collyer, M. L., and D.C. Adams. 2013. Phenotypic trajectory analysis: Comparison of shape change patterns in evolution and ecologyHystrix. 24:75-83.

90. Adams, D.C., F. J. Rohlf, and D.E. Slice. 2013. A field comes of age: Geometric morphometrics in the 21st centuryHystrix. 24:7-14.

89. Weiner, S.A., D.A. Galbraith, D.C. Adams, N. Valenzuela, F.B. Noll, C.M. Grozinger, and A.L. Toth. 2013. A survey of DNA methylation across social insect species, life stages, and castes reveals abundant and caste-associated methylation in a primitively social waspNaturwissenschaften. 100:795-799.

88. Outomuro, D., D.C. Adams, and F. Johansson. 2013. Wing shape allometry and aerodynamics in calopterygid damselflies: a comparative approachBMC Evolutionary Biology13(118):1-11.

87. Outomuro, D., D.C. Adams, and F. Johansson. 2013. Evolution of wing shape in ornamented-winged damselfliesEvolutionary Biology. 40:300-309.

86. Berns, C.M.*, and D.C. Adams. 2013. Becoming different but staying alike: patterns of sexual size and shape dimorphism in bills of hummingbirdsEvolutionary Biology. 40:246-260.

85. Ceballos, C., D.C. Adams, J. Iverson, and N. Valenzuela. 2013. Phylogenetic patterns of sexual size dimorphism in turtles and their implications for Rensch's ruleEvolutionary Biology. 40:194-208.

84. Adams, D.C., and E. Otarola-Castillo*. 2013. geomorph: an R package for the collection and analysis of geometric morphometric shape dataMethods in Ecology and Evolution.4:393-399.

83. Deitloff, J.*, J.D. Petersen*, and D.C. Adams. 2013. Complex species interactions lead to unpredictable outcomes in PlethodonHerpetologica. 69:1-10.

82. Adams, D.C. 2013. Comparing evolutionary rates for different phenotypic traits on a phylogeny using likelihoodSystematic Biology. 62:181-192.


81. Kraemer, A.C.*, J. Kissner, and D.C. Adams. 2012. Morphological color changes in the red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) while kept in captivityCopeia. 2012:748-755.

80. Rabosky, D.L., and D.C. Adams. 2012. Rates of morphological evolution are correlated with species richness in salamandersEvolution. 66:1807-1818.

79. Kaliontzopoulou, A.D.C. Adams, A. van der Meijden, A. Perera, and M.A. Carretero. 2012. Relationships between head morphology, bite performance and ecology in two species of Podarcis wall lizardsEvolutionary Ecology. 26:825-845.

78. Blankers, T., D.C. Adams, and J.J. Wiens. 2012. Ecological radiation with limited morphological diversification in salamandersJournal of Evolutionary Biology. 25:634-646.

77. Donnelly, J.*, D. Adams, and J. Dekker. 2012. Does phylogeny determine the shape of the outer seed hull in Setaria seeds? Pp. 101-142 In: Dekker, J., D. Adams, A. van Aelst, B. Dekker, J. Donnelly, and M. Haar, M. Hargrove, H. Hilhorst, C. Karssen, J. Lathrop, E. Luschei, and D. Todey. 2012. Weedy Setaria seed germination-dormancy behavior: Regulatory compartmentalization. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany.ISBN: 978-3-659-24309-7. 214. Pp. 

76. Dekker, J.*, D. Adams, A. van Aelst, B. Dekker, J. Donnelly, and M. Haar, M. Hargrove, H. Hilhorst, C. Karssen, J. Lathrop, E. Luschei, and D. Todey. 2012. Weedy Setaria seed germination-dormancy behavior: Regulatory compartmentalization. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-659-24309-7. 214 Pp.


75. Adams, D.C., and J.O. Church*. 2011. The evolution of large-scale body size clines in Plethodon: evidence of heat-balance or species-specific artifact? Ecography. 34:1067-1075.

74. Serb, J.M., A. Alejandrino*, E. Otarola-Castillo*, and D.C. Adams. 2011. Morphological convergence of shell shape in distantly related scallop species (Mollusca: Pectinidae)Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 163:571-584.

73. Adams, D.C. 2011. Quantitative genetics and evolution of head shape in Plethodon salamandersEvolutionary Biology. 38:278-286.

72. Valenzuela, N., and D.C. Adams. 2011. Chromosome number and sex determination co-evolve in turtlesEvolution. 65:1808-1813.

71. Adams, D.C. A. Cardini, L. R. Monteiro, P. O'Higgins, and F.J. Rohlf. 2011. Morphometrics and Phylogenetics: principal components of shape from cranial modules are neither appropriate nor effective cladistic charactersJournal of Human Evolution. 60:240-243.


70. Kelly, C.D., and D.C. Adams. 2010. Sexual selection, ontogenetic acceleration, and hypermorphosis generates male trimorphism in Wellington tree wetaEvolutionary Biology.37:200-209.

69. Piras, P., P. Colangelo, D.C. Adams, A. Buscalioni, J. Cubo, T. Kotsakis, C. Meloro, and P. Raia. 2010. The Gavialis-Tomistoma debate: the contribution of skull ontogenetic allometry and growth trajectories to the study of crocodylian relationshipsEvolution and Development. 12:568-579.

68. Berns, C.M.*, and Adams, D.C. 2010. Bill shape and sexual shape dimorphism between two species of temperature hummingbirds: Archilochus alexandri (black-chinned hummingbirds) and Archilochus colubris (ruby-throated hummingbirds)The Auk. 127:626-635.

67. Adams, D.C. and A. Nistri. 2010. Ontogenetic convergence and evolution of foot morphology in European cave salamanders (Family: Plethodontidae)BMC Evolutionary Biology. 10(216):1-10.

(commentary by Klingenberg 2010: BMC Evol. Biol.)

66. Adams, D.C. 2010. Parallel evolution of character displacement driven by competitive selection in terrestrial salamandersBMC Evolutionary Biology. 10(72)1-10.


65. Deitloff, J.*, J.O. Church*, D.C. Adams, and R.G. Jaeger. 2009. Interspecific agonistic behaviors in a salamander community: implications for alpha-selectionHerpetologica.65:174-182.

64. Escalona, T., D.C. Adams, and N. Valenzuela. 2009. Nesting ecology in the freshwater turtle Podocnemis unifilis: spatiotemporal patterns and inferred evolutionary explanationsFunctional Ecology. 23:826-835.

63. Adams, D.C.C.M. Berns*, K.H. Kozak, and J.J. Wiens. 2009. Are rates of species diversification correlated with rates of morphological evolution? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. 276:2729-2738.

62. Butterworth, K.M.*, D.C. Adams, H.T. Horner, and J.F. Wendel. 2009. Initiation and early development of fiber in wild and cultivated cottonInternational Journal of Plant Sciences.170:561-574.

61. Adams, D.C., and M.L. Collyer. 2009. A general framework for the analysis of phenotypic trajectories in evolutionary studiesEvolution. 63:1143-1154. [cover acknowledgment] 

60. Marsteller, S.*, D.C. Adams, M.L. Collyer, and M. Condon. 2009. Six sympatric cryptic species on a single host plant: morphometric evidence for possible reproductive character displacementEcological Entomology. 34:66-73.


59. Myers, E.M.*, and D.C. Adams. 2008. Morphology is decoupled from interspecific competition in Plethodon salamanders in the Shenandoah MountainsHerpetologica. 64:281-289.

58. Berner, D., D.C. Adams, A.C. Grandchamp, and A.P. Hendry. 2008. Inferring natural selection from patterns of lake-stream divergence in stickleback foraging morphologyJournal of Evolutionary Biology. 21:1653-1665.

57. Olson, C.R.*, C.M. Vleck, and D.C. Adams. 2008. Decoupling morphological development from growth in periodically cooled zebra finch embryosJournal of Morphology269:875-883.

56. Deitloff, J.*, D.C. Adams, B.F.M. Olechnowski*, and R.G. Jaeger. 2008. Interspecific aggression in OhioPlethodon: implications for competitionHerpetologica. 64:180-188.

55. Condon, M., D.C. Adams, D. Bann*, K. Flaherty*, J. Gammons, J. Johnson, M.L. Lewis, S. Marsteller*, S.J. Scheffer, F. Serna, and S. Swensen. 2008. Uncovering tropical diversity: six sympatric cryptic species of Blepharoneura (Diptera: Tephritidae) in flowers of Gurania spinulosa (Cucurbitaceae) in eastern EcuadorBiological Journal of the Linnean Society.93:779-797.

54. Adams, D.C. 2008. Phylogenetic meta-analysisEvolution. 62:567-572. [cover acknowledgment] 

53. Adams, D.C., and J.O. Church*. 2008. Amphibians do not follow Bergmann's ruleEvolution. 62:413-420. [cover acknowledgment] 


52. Collyer, M.L., C.A. Stockwell, D.C. Adams, and M.H. Reiser. 2007. Phenotypic plasticity and contemporary evolution in introduced populations: evidence from translocated populations of white sands pupfishEcological Research. 22:902-910.

51. Arif, S.*D.C. Adams, and J.A. Wicknick. 2007. Bioclimatic modeling, morphology, and behavior reveal alternative mechanisms regulating the distributions of two parapatric salamander speciesEvolutionary Ecology Research. 9:843-854.

50. Adams, D.C. 2007. Organization of Plethodon salamander communities: guild-based community assemblyEcology. 88:1292-1299.

49. Adams, D.C., and M.L. Collyer. 2007. Analysis of character divergence along environmental gradients and other covariatesEvolution. 61:510-515. [cover acknowledgment] 

48. Collyer, M.L., and D.C. Adams. 2007. Analysis of two-state multivariate phenotypic change in ecological studiesEcology. 88:683-692.

47. Adams, D.C., M.E. West*, and M.L. Collyer. 2007. Location-specific sympatric morphological divergence as a possible response to species interactions in West VirginiaPlethodon salamander communitiesJournal of Animal Ecology. 76:289-295.

46. Adams, D.C., and M.M. Cerney*. 2007. Quantifying biomechanical motion using Procrustes motion analysisJournal of Biomechanics. 40:437-444.


45. Hollander, J., D.C. Adams, and K. Johannesson. 2006. Evolution of adaptation through allometric shifts in a marine snailEvolution. 60:2490-2497.

44. Hollander, J. M.L. CollyerD.C. Adams, and K. Johannesson. 2006. Phenotypic plasticity in two marine snails: constraints superseding life-historyJournal of Evolutionary Biology. 19:1861-1872.

43. Myers, E.M.*, F. J. Janzen, D.C. Adams, and J. K. Tucker. 2006. Quantitative genetics of plastron shape in slider turtles (Trachemys scripta)Evolution. 60:563-572. [cover illustration] 

42. Maerz, J.C., E. M. Myers*, and D.C. Adams. 2006. Trophic polymorphism in a terrestrial salamanderEvolutionary Ecology Research. 8:23-35.


41. Fedrigo, O.*, D.C. Adams, and G.J.P. Naylor. 2005. DRUIDS - Detection of regions with unexpected internal deviation from stationarityJournal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular and Developmental Evolution). 304B:119-128.


40. Adams, D.C. 2004. Character displacement via aggressive interference in Appalachian salamandersEcology. 85:2664-2670. [cover acknowledgment] 

39. Cerney, M.M.* and D.C. Adams. 2004. Sequestering Size: The Role of Allometry and Gender in Digital Human ModelingSAE Transactions Journal of Aerospace. 113:208-214. (republication of: Cerney and Adams, 2004. Proc. SAE Dig. Hum. Mod. Conf.).

38. Valenzuela, N., D.C. Adams, R.M. Bowden, and A.C. Gauger*. 2004. Geometric morphometric sex estimation for hatchling turtles: a powerful alternative for detecting subtle sexual shape dimorphismCopeia. 2004:735-742.

37. Swart, C.C., and D.C. Adams. 2004. The role of muscle mass and tooth number in ecological character displacement between Plethodon cinereus and P. hoffmani (Caudata: Plethodontidae)Herpetologica. 60:408-413.

36. Kassam, D.D., D.C. Adams, and K. Yamaoka. 2004. Functional significance of variation in trophic morphology within feeding microhabitat-differentiated cichlid species in Lake MalawiAnimal Biology. 54:77-90.

35. Edited Volume: Loy, A., M. Corti, D.C. Adams, D.E. Slice, and F.J. Rohlf, editors. 2004. Proceedings of the Rome Geometric Morphometric Workshop. Homage to Leslie F. Marcus. Special Publication of the Italian Journal of Zoology, Mucchi Editore, Modena.71(1). 88 pp.

34. Adams, D.C., F.J. Rohlf, and D.E. Slice. 2004. Geometric morphometrics: Ten years of progress following the 'revolution'Italian Journal of Zoology. 71:5-16.

33. Loy, A., M. Corti, D.C. Adams, D.E. Slice, and F.J. Rohlf. 2004. Introduction to the proceedingsItalian Journal of Zoology. 71:1-3.

32. Cerney, M.M*. and D.C. Adams. 2004. Sequestering Size: The Role of Allometry and Gender in Digital Human Modeling. Proceedings of the SAE Digital Human Modeling Conference. Syracuse, Michigan. 2004-04DHM-38.


31. Naylor, G.J.P., and D.C. Adams. 2003. Total evidence versus relevant evidence: response to O'Leary et al. (2003). Systematic Biology. 52:864-865.

30. Kassam, D.D., D.C. Adams, A.J.D. Ambali, and K. Yamaoka. 2003. Body shape variation in relation to resource partitioning within cichlid trophic guilds coexisting along the rocky shore of Lake MalawiAnimal Biology. 53:59-70.

29. Kassam, D.D., D.C. Adams, M. Hori, and K. Yamaoka. 2003. Morphometric analysis on ecomorphologically equivalent cichlid species from Lakes Malawi and TanganyikaJournal of Zoology. 260:153-157.

28. Valenzuela, N., D.C. Adams, and F.J.Janzen. 2003. Pattern does not equal process: Exactly when is sex environmentally determined?American Naturalist. 161:676-683.

27. Ashlock, D., D.C. Adams, and D. Doty. 2003. Morphometric grayscale texture analysis using foot patternsProceedings of the 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. 1575-1582.

26. Cerney, M.M.*D.C. Adams, and J.M. Vance. 2003. Image Warping of Three-Dimensional Scan DataProceedings of the SAE Digital Human Modeling Conference.Montreal, Canada. 2003-01-2231.

25. Adams, D.C., and G.J.P. Naylor. 2003. A comparison of methods for assessing the structural similarity of proteins. in Mathematical Methods for Protein Structure Analysis and Design. Advanced Lectures. (C. Guerra, S. Istrail., eds.). Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics. 2666:109-115.


24. Jaeger, R.G., E.D. Prosen, and D.C. Adams. 2002. Character displacement and aggression in two species of terrestrial salamandersCopeia. 2002:391-401.

23. Adams, D.C. 2002. Review of: Morphology, Shape and Phylogeny. Biometrics. 58:694-695. 


22. Adams, D.C., and C.K. Beachy. 2001. Historical explanations of phenotypic variation in the plethodontid salamander Gyrinophilus porphyriticusHerpetologica. 57:353-364.

21. Naylor, G.J.P., and D.C. Adams. 2001. Are the fossil data really at odds with the molecular data? Morphological evidence for cetartiodactyla phylogeny reexaminedSystematic Biology. 50:444-453.

20. Ruber, L., and D.C. Adams. 2001. Evolutionary convergence of body shape and trophic morphology in cichlids from Lake TanganyikaJournal of Evolutionary Biology. 14:325-332.

19. Tavare, S., D.C. Adams, O. Fedrigo, and G.J.P. Naylor. 2001. A model for phylogenetic inference using structural and chemical covariates. Pp. 215-225 in Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. (R. B. Altman, A. K. Dunker, L. Hunter, K. Lauderdale, and T. E. Klein, etc.). World Scientific. Singapore.


18. Adams, D.C., and F.J. Rohlf. 2000. Ecological character displacement in Plethodon: biomechanical differences found from a geometric morphometric studyProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 97:4106-4111.

(commentary on Adams and Rohlf, 2000; Science Editor's Choice about Adams and Rohlf, 2000; use of Adams and Rohlf, 2000 as textbook example of character displacement) 

17. Rosenberg, M.S., D.C. Adams, and J. Gurevitch. 2000. MetaWin: Statistical software for meta-analysis. Version 2.0. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts. 128 pp.

16. Adams, D.C. 2000. Divergence of trophic morphology and resource use among populations of Plethodon cinereus and P. hoffmani in Pennsylvania: a possible case of character displacement. Pp. 383-394 in The Biology of Plethodontid Salamanders. (R.C. Bruce, R.J. Jaeger, and L.D. Houck, eds.). Klewer Academic/Plenum. New York.

15. Adams, D.C., and G.J.P. Naylor. 2000. A new method for evaluating the structural similarity of proteins using geometric morphometrics. Pp. 120-121 in Currents in Computational Molecular Biology. Frontiers Science Series No. 30. (S. Miyano, R. Shamir, and T. Takagi, eds.). Universal Academy Press. Tokyo.

14. Adams, D.C. 2000. Review of: Sampling and Statistical Methods for Behavioral Ecologists. Quarterly Review of Biology. 75:76.


13. Adams, D.C. 1999. Methods for shape analysis of landmark data from articulated structuresEvolutionary Ecology Research. 1:959-970.

12. Jackson, J.F., D.C. Adams, and U. B. Jackson. 1999. Allometry of constitutive defense: a model and comparative test with tree bark and fire regimeAmerican Naturalist. 153:614-632.

11. Adams, D.C. 1999. Review of: Salamanders of the United States and Canada. Quarterly Review of Biology. 74:235.

10. Adams, D.C. 1999. Plethodon hoffmani (Valley and Ridge Salamander). Predation. Herpetological Review. 30:160.


9. Adams, D.C., and M.S. Rosenberg. 1998. Partial-warps, phylogeny, and ontogeny: a comment on Fink and Zelditch (1995)Systematic Biology. 47:168-173.

8. Caldecutt, W.J., and D.C. Adams. 1998. Morphometrics of trophic osteology in four ecotypes of the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatusCopeia. 1998:827-838.


7. Adams, D.C., and D.J. Funk. 1997. Morphometric inferences on sibling species and sexual dimorphism in Neochlamisus bebbianae leaf beetles: multivariate applications of the thin-plate splineSystematic Biology. 46:180-194.

6. Adams, D.C., J. Gurevitch, and M.S. Rosenberg. 1997. Resampling tests for meta-analysis of ecological dataEcology. 78:1277-1283.

5. Adams, D.C., M.S. Di Bitetti, C.H. Janson, L.B. Slobodkin, and N. Valenzuela. 1997. An "audience effect" for ecological terminology: use and misuse of jargonOikos. 80:632-636.

4. Adams, D.C., and J.F. Jackson. 1997. A phylogenetic analysis of the southern pines (Pinus subsect. Australes loud.): Biogeographical and ecological implicationsProceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 110:681-692.

3. Rosenberg, M.S., D.C. Adams, and J. Gurevitch. 1997. MetaWin: Statistical software for meta-analysis with resampling tests. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts. 65 pp.


2. Adams, D.C., and C.D. Anthony. 1996. Using randomization techniques to analyse behavioural dataAnimal Behaviour. 51:733-738.

1. Adams, D.C., and J.F. Jackson. 1995. Estimating the allometry of tree barkAmerican Midland Naturalist. 134:99-106.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and DISCLAIMER: Much of the research described in these web pages is supported in part by NSF grant DEB-2140720, and was previously supported by NSF grants DBI-1902511, DEB-1556379, DEB-1257287, DEB-1118884, DEB-0446758, DEB-012228, and their supplements. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.