Rana Biswas

Rana Biswas

  • Research Scientist IV
  • Adjunct Professor, Physics; Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research summary:

Research in photonics has spanned the development of photonic structures for manipulating light. Recent focus has been on enhancing  light extraction from organic light emitting diodes, and enhancing light absorption in thin-film solar cells. 

Research in materials has spanned electronic and structural properties of energy-relevant materials. Recent work has been on understanding local structure and uncovering signatures of nuclear magnetic resonance in novel electronic materials.


Contact Info

244 Applied Sci. 1
1925 Scholl Rd.


  • Ph.D., Physics, Cornell University, 1984
  • M.S., Physics, Cornell University, 1982



Photonic Nanostructures for Microelectronics

EE590 G

T Th 11 - 1150 am ; Gilman 0312

Instructor: Rana Biswas biswasr@iastate.edu

Reference: 2962106

To teach students fundamentals of this field so that they can be applied to electronic and photonic devices.


1. Basic concepts of Photonics

Light, photons and waves

Optic fibers, light emitting diodes, lasers

Wave transmission

2. Photonic structures

Introduction, applications, Optic fibers

1-d photonic crystals

2-d photonic crystals

Band gaps, transmission, Optical/electromagnetic properties,


3. Plasmonic crystals

Plasmons at flat metal-semiconductor interface

Corrugated metal semiconductor interface

Plasmons in nanoparticles

Solar cell back reflectors and plasmonic enhancement

4. Light scattering from nanoparticles (Optics)

5. Photonics for quantum technologies