Dr. John Shriver

John Shriver

  • Research Associate II
My main duties are setting up and conducting field research trials for pesticide efficacy. We work on Corn seedling and foliar trials and Soybean foliar trials. I also manage Dr. Robertson’s lab helping grad students with procuring supplies for their research needs.

I was born in Virginia but spent most of my early life in Illinois. Though my family did not farm, my father was involved with AG Chemical companies his whole life.

M.S., Plant Science at West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas, December 1996
B.S. Plant & Soil Science Major/Plant Biology Minor at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, August 1992

Work Experience:
Research/Extension Associate, Iowa State University, Department of Plant Pathology, 1/97 – present. Conducts field, greenhouse, and laboratory research on diseases of corn, soybeans, oats, and wheat. Give talks on field diagnoses of corn and soybean diseases.

Area of Expertise: Corn Foliar Disease


Contact Info

2331 Adv Tch Res Bd
2213 Pammel Drive


  • B.S. Plant and Soil Sciences, Southern Illinois University, 1992
  • M.S. Agriculture, West Texas A&M University, 1996