Project AAIMS Conference Publications
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Foegen, A. (2004). Algebra instruction and assessment for students with disabilities: First steps in a three year project. Poster presented at the 12th Annual Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA.
This poster presentation offered an overview of Project AAIMS and presented preliminary data on classroom observations drawn from training sessions.
Foegen, A., & Lind, L. (April, 2004). Access to algebra for students with disabilities: Research and strategies. Poster session presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children, New Orleans, LA.
This poster presentation summarized the results of a review of literature on evidence-based instructional and assessment strategies for algebra. A listing of the identified studies is included.
Foegen, A., Olson, J., & Lind, L. (October, 2004). Monitoring student progress in algebra. Presented at the Iowa Learning Disabilities Conference, Des Moines, IA.
This presentation provided a general overview of Project AAIMS for special education professionals. Preliminary analyses of the spring 2004 data for probes A, B, and C were presented.
Foegen, A. (February, 2005). Developing measures in algebra. Session presented at the 13th Annual Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA. Included as part of the panel, Exploring new measures for mathematics progress monitoring from K to 12, by Foegen, Lembke, and Deno.
This presentation included an overview of the five algebra measures and presented data on these measures from spring and fall 2004 in districts A and B. Note that only slides for the algebra portion of the panel are posted here.
Foegen, A. (February, 2005). Monitoring progress in algebra: A new approach to assessment. Session presented at the Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Ankeny, IA.
This presentation introduced general education math teachers to the concept of progress monitoring. An overview of the five alternative algebra measures was provided, along with summary data from districts A and B.
Foegen, A., & Impecoven-Lind, L. (April 2005). Algebra progress monitoring: Initial findings on potential measures. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children, Baltimore, MD.
This poster reported the results of the initial reliability and validity study in District B. The report was completed in Fall 2005.
Foegen, A., & Olson, J. (October 2005). Monitoring student progress in algebra. Session presented at the Learning Disabilities Association of Iowa Conference, Des Moines, IA.
This session provided an overview of Project AAIMS and the basic concepts in progress monitoring, as well as summaries of each of the types of measures. Results of four research studies on reliability and validity were summarized and recommendations were offered for practitioners.
Foegen, A. (February, 2006). Monitoring student progress in algebra. Session presented at the 14th Annual Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA. Included as part of the panel, Progress measures in mathematics: Do they show progress?, by Foegen, Deno, and Lembke.
This panel addressed progress measures from K-12. Only the slides relevant to algebra are included. Results reported included updated reliability and validity data, as well as progress studies in all three districts.
Foegen, A. (February, 2006). Project AAIMS: Monitoring student progress in algebra. Session presented at the Iowa Council of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. West Des Moines, IA.
This session provided an update on Project AAIMS activities, focusing on the growth demonstrated on each of the measures. Results were included for progress studies in District A during Spring 2005 and all three districts during Fall 2005.
Foegen, A. (April, 2006). New measures for secondary math: Algebra and PreAlgebra. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children. Salt Lake City, UT. Included as part of the session, Developing curriculum-based measures for monitoring student progress in K-12 mathematics, by Foegen, Lembke, and Jiban.
In this session we presented information about new measures for monitoring progress in mathematics for students in kindergarten and first grade, elementary grades, and secondary algebra and pre-algebra. We described procedures for constructing, administering, and scoring probes. Research results related to the reliability and validity of the measures were also presented. Only the algebra section of the presentation is posted here.
Foegen, A. (April, 2006). Finding the right equation: Tools for monitoring student progress in algebra. Session presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children. Salt Lake City, UT.
This session included an overview of Project AAIMS, including the five types of measures for algebra that we have investigated. The focus was on teaching participants how to administer and score the measures. A summary was provided of research on the reliability and validity of the measures, as well as the degree to which they reflect student growth. Data specific to the students with disabilities in the Fall 2005 progress monitoring studies were included.
Foegen, A., Olson, J. R., & Edwards, M. J. (April, 2006). Monitoring student progress in algebra: A new approach to assessment. Session presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, St. Louis, MO.
This session provided an overview of Project AAIMS and the algebra progress measures for general education teachers who are likely not familiar with this approach to assessment. The session, which included one of our participating teachers as part of the presentation team, also included practitioners' perspectives on the benefits and challenges of implementing progress monitoring in general education classrooms.
Foegen, A. (April, 2006). Watching them grow: An empirical study of student progress in algebra. Poster presented at the Research PreSession of the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, St. Louis, MO.
This poster presented the results of two sets of growth studies. In the first (Spring 2005, District A), limited growth was observed on two of the measures. The second study (Fall 2005, all districts) used changes in probe format and content, teacher administration of the measures, and efforts to increase student effort in completing the measures. Positive levels of growth were obtained on all three types of measures, with the Content Analysis-Multiple Choice measure showing the most sensitivity to changes in student performance levels over time.
Foegen, A. (July, 2006). Monitoring student progress in algebra. Session presented at Adequate Yearly Progress and Students with IEPs: A Focus on Improving Student Achievement Through Effective Practices (PaTTAN annual summer conference). State College, PA.
This session provided information on alternative measures for monitoring student progress in Algebra I and Pre-Algebra content. Samples of measures were shared and administration and scoring guidelines were provided. A brief summary of the research supporting the measures was shared and issues in implementing a progress monitoring system were discussed. The data presented in this session included preliminary results from an algebra progress monitoring study conducted in Pennsylvania during 2005-06 and the results of Project AAIMS studies conducted in the spring and fall of 2005.
Olson, J., & Foegen, A. (February, 2007). Algebra progress monitoring: Catch them BEFORE they fail! Session presented at the Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics, West Des Moines, Iowa.
This session provided an overview of progress monitoring in algebra and presented current activities in which general education teachers are using algebra progress monitoring to track the learning of their students. Sample student graphs and error analysis summaries were presented for discussion.
Foegen, A. (February, 2007). Progress monitoring measures in algebra: Potential applications in a three-tiered system. Session presented at the 15th annual Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, California. Included as part of the panel, Mathematics assessment: Issues and innovations for assessing students with disabilities, by Ketterlin-Geller, Chard, Foegen, & Yovanoff.
This presentation examined the potential application of the algebra progress monitoring measures in a three-tiered response to intervention system. Issues, concerns, and available evidence for using the measures for screening, progress monitoring, and diagnostic purposes were considered.
Foegen, A. (February, 2008). CBM in secondary: Teachers' use of progress monitoring data in high school algebra. Session presented at the 16th Annual Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA. Included as part of the panel, Identifying technically adequate curriculum-based measure at the secondary education level: Current research findings and implications for teacher utilization in an RtI model, by Lembke, Campbell, & Foegen.
This presentation provided an overview of the AAIMS measures and reported results for the Spring 2007 study of the effects of contrasting levels of teacher engagement with student data on students' growth rates in algebra. Implications for potential use of the measures in an RtI system were also discussed.
Foegen, A. (April, 2008). Algebra progress monitoring: Learn to put research results into practice.
Session presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children, Boston, MA. This session was targeted for practitioners. It provided an overview of the measures and the research evidence supporting them, along with brief training to administer and score the Basic Skills measure.
Foegen, A., & Trusock, J. (April, 2009). Putting algebra progress monitoring into practice: An illustration from the field. Session presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children, Seattle, WA.
This presentation included an overview of the algebra progress monitoring measures and information about how they were being used in a Response to Intervention Context in an early-adopting district.
Foegen, A. (March, 2010). Progress monitoring in secondary mathematics: New developments in algebra. Session presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.
This presentation provided an overview of the algebra progress monitoring measures and data on their technical adequacy for a school psychology audience.
Hagans, K., & Foegen, A. (March, 2010). Algebra progress monitoring to promote competence in middle school algebra. Session presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.
This presentation reported data on the use of the algebra progress monitoring measures within a middle school setting to improve student learning in algebra.
Foegen, A. (April, 2010). Tracking growth in algebra learning: The efficacy of brief progress monitoring measures. Session presented at the Research Presession of the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Diego, CA.
This presentation provided an overview of the algebra progress monitoring measures and data on their technical adequacy for an audience of mathematics education researchers.